Reviews for Arthur's Secret Love
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
Thank you very much. EnGer is (by far) one of the best ships eva.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
such a bitter-sweet tale :')
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
I love this ship 3
too bad its so rare :(
OkamiNinja4 chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
Awwww, I was really curious after I read the summary and this melted my heart. I will probably ship anyone with anyone if there is a good enough reason behind it. I like USUK, FrUK, Germerica, Gerita...and so many more. There are so many under-appreciated ships it's a little sad. I always thought of Germany and England as beer drinking buddies, but I could totally see a pair with them.
theSardonyx chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Nursing an unrequited love... That's not healthy, Artie.

It's true that Germany has very few pairings, and maybe it IS because he's always had Italy around him. Plus the GerIta fandom has been on a high since the Buon San Valentino episode. England however, is very easy to pair with anybody. Once you find a common ground, it'd be easy to see how things can progress from friendship. GerEng has a few historical references, but I think the easiest way to see their relationship is one of admiration.

Write on.!