Reviews for Harry Potter, Post Script: Heroes and Horrors
HeRonLove chapter 13 . 12/5/2019
Ron is such a sweetheart of a boyfriend. I loved how he helped Hermione in this chapter.
speedsONEandONLY chapter 13 . 12/5/2019
Minnie isn't going to tell
the other professors right?
At least,
not until needed...

I understand that
Ilsa is her sister
And why she thinks she deserves to know,
but she doesn't need to know
And I think she
struggles with that concept.
And what makes her think
Ilsa didn't ask them not to tell her?
Listen to Ron.
He's not just saying things
so you calm down.
He actually does know what he's talking about.

Do it Ron
LauratheChef chapter 13 . 12/4/2019
good chapter :) I am still very much loving this story.
scrappy8 chapter 13 . 12/2/2019
great chapter
mcepl chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
She was still wearing her pajamas, a loose light green t-shirt and flannel pants.

I don’t think she was going around the house without any trousers and I don’t think even Weasleys were so poor to have underwear from flannel. (en_US en_GB)
Thaunius chapter 12 . 10/7/2019
Shoot me a message, willing to commission this story.
christyannb94 chapter 11 . 8/6/2019
I really am enjoying this story. So far of the stories I have read, you have done the best at getting everyone's character right. Other stories make Ginny out to be such a nightmare of a person, but I think you display her and the others very close to JKR's writing.
scrappy8 chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
great chapter
speedsONEandONLY chapter 12 . 7/22/2019
Molly has some plans
pretty big plans.
Quite some fun ones
it would seem.

George and Ange
are good together.

Not quite the dream
they were expecting.

That castle has been standing
for eons.
I doubt the cement
just "gave way"

Is Poppy going to
share that book?
White Squirrel chapter 4 . 7/21/2019
Hmm...a piece of Ginny's soul put into Harry, and Hermione's parents adopting a young witch. Both of those sound awfully familiar...

I'm especially interested in seeing what you'll do with Isla since I haven't seen it anywhere else and haven't gotten around to it, myself.
HeRonLove chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
That was a good chapter.
speedsONEandONLY chapter 11 . 7/8/2019
as long as none of them
are late to class i dont see
the sleeping arrangements
being a problem.

teaching went better
than expected.
not a lot of start struck questions.
no extremely personal questions.
and they all listened.
was it the same in the Puff and Claw class?

Ron can think!
hes upgraded to soup spoon.

pretty good turn out for tryouts
nice of the other houses not
to show up there too...

i think Nev and Luna are
good for each others firsts.
they are too sweet.
scrappy8 chapter 11 . 7/5/2019
great chapter
HeRonLove chapter 11 . 7/5/2019
That was a great chapter. Ron and Hermione are so cute in this chapter. I liked their date in the kitchen. When can I see Ron do something besides support Harry, he is really great himself in DADA. Luna and Neville always make me smile.
scrappy8 chapter 10 . 6/24/2019
great chapter
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