Reviews for A Second Chance
misty23y chapter 39 . 6/22
I just finished reading this story for a second time. I love it even more. You did a great job of explaining the two emotional wrecks that were Stephanie Plum and Ranger Manoso. You gave the characters depth and a convincing backstory to explain their immaturity ad behavior. You also showed how with hard work, they were both able to grow into better versions of themselves. I like how you have them taking their relationship slowly. I also enjoyed getting to know a 17/18-year-old Mary Alice. I wish you would write a sequel to show how everyone is adjusting to their new life, hopefully with Ranger and Julie developing a father-daughter relationship. I would really like to know more about Brian and Darius as well as how Morelli and Steph developed their new, cordial relationship. There are so many places you could take this story. Oh well, maybe someday.
Ebailey1218 chapter 39 . 5/13
Beyond fantastic. Reading the novels I always knew she didn’t belong with joe but I couldn’t put it into words. You detailed the emotions behind all their psyches perfectly. I get it now and will never be able to see the novels in the same light. Fantastic job
tinks friends chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
I enjoyed this story so much I was extremely sorry to see it end. A second story, going forward from where this one ends would be interesting.
tinks friends chapter 27 . 11/14/2019
I am loving your story. Seeing an older and wiser Stephanie is interesting. Thank you for this gift.
Guest chapter 39 . 9/4/2019
Wow. Really good. The early parts made me sad that Ranger wasn't in love with Stephanie since the beginning, and that he gave upon her. But you brought them together beautifully, and really excellent work giving depth why they each are the way they are. Plus, really good sense of place.
michelle chapter 12 . 8/9/2019
Re-enjoying this. And making up words. Smiling at the adorable Sarah. And the adorable Ranger.
KellyGirl chapter 39 . 5/3/2019
What a wonderful, heartfelt story. It was a little on the heavy side versus JE but I throughly enjoyed it. Your Ranger read at times more like Spencer or Jack Reacher, but your mystery & backstory certainly supported this. All were well thought out & intricate, as were your characters, old & new. Hope you do follow up with more from this Steph & Ranger & cast. You've a great talent. Thanks for this!
daxandpat chapter 39 . 9/13/2018
First time I read this I thought it just shouldn't end there. Where's the moving in, the kid, all that other stuff. This time I'm okay with it because the promise is there.
daxandpat chapter 38 . 9/13/2018
So I have a goofy grin on my face too.
daxandpat chapter 36 . 9/12/2018
You could have called this one, "Making Amends."
daxandpat chapter 34 . 9/12/2018
So perfect.
Guest chapter 31 . 9/10/2018
WOOHOO! (Yes, still smiling.)
daxandpat chapter 12 . 8/23/2018
Rereading this and enjoying it just as much as the first time. Love the last paragraph.
Mary Schneider chapter 39 . 8/20/2018
Just finished reading your story. Truly well written and so real. It took me three days but I couldn't hardly put it down. You have great insights in your characters. I love this Ranger Stephanie story. I guess I think that their characters just belong to each other. Anyway Just wanted to say thanks for a good read.
Bambu chapter 39 . 6/4/2018
::applauds wildly:: In short, this was terrific. I liked learning of Ranger's and Stephanie's maturing processes both separately and together, and I liked very much how well you used canon information to populate your epic. While I may prefer the Merry Men seen in fanfiction because they've become multi-dimensional, in canon, they're mere bodies passing through at the convenience of the author. But you've utilized that canon convention as a further wedge to Ranger's solitary existence. Well done. I've added this to my favorites, and I'm now off to hunt for what else you've written.
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