Reviews for I want to stay with you forever
jane chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
every time i see them in the anime i cry well i did once i feel like crying but this fanfic touched my heart _
gloomy maiko lover chapter 1 . 6/22/2014
Oh my this was so Sweet/Cute I liked this kept me blushing haha,smirks alittle so,you did a great job! hope you write more stories of thes two sweet couple smirks I enjoyed this and again really liked this and you did a great job! smirks
YUmenonakani chapter 1 . 5/19/2014
Cheesy but very descriptive.
Anon chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Cute story.
TenraiTsukiyomi chapter 1 . 4/28/2014

(Excuse me for a few minutes.)

Ehem. XD First of all I'm so happy to see a KamiAso story in fanfiction. I tried looking for it a week ago but there wasn't any. The game has really captivated me with all the routes, and the anime was just the final straw to hooking me with it.

Tsukuyomi is one of my favorite characters in the game and anime because of his deadpan face and the fact that he warms up to Yui... That, and I have a love for the legend of Tsukuyomi, Susanoo and Amaterasu, with Tsukuyomi being my favorite so yeah I was hooked to Tsukuyomi from the beginning when Zeus announced he was God of the Moon. xD He isn't my favorite character in KamiAso persay (not after I read the Hades route and got attached to Loki KYAAAA), but he is the third. :D

This is very well written, although a bit cheesy for my tastes. Not in a bad way, but I have to look away once in a while cuz of my blush xD

I hope you can write other KamiAso stories, like LokixYui, HadesxYui or even another TsukuyomixYui. xD
Jiji-chan chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
What a beautiful and wonderful short story! I love this new Otome series hope there will be more fanfics between Yui & the god-guys like this even long stories would be cool! YuiXBalder & YuiX the Ocean God ?...forgot his name?! Take care and keep up the awesome fanfics!