Reviews for Love Don't Cost A Thing
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 19 . 7/29/2019
OM Freckled Jesus! This Fanfic is absolutely wonderful! Loved all the pairings, Misaka & Erwin totally stunned me. Well, thought-out with enough ache and smexy to pull the reader in. I look forward to your other stories. Thank you for sharing this story with us...your FANS! love and appreciation.
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 8 . 7/29/2019
Cruel reality.
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 6 . 7/29/2019
Intriguing chapter, well written
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 5 . 7/29/2019
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 4 . 7/29/2019
In debt for the pleasure ;) The American way!
YaoiFanGirl6767 chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
Hahahaha! Love it!
FairyGardenCorgis chapter 19 . 12/26/2017
This ending was absolutely perfect.

When I saw that it had updated and I knew it was going to be the last chapter I'll be honest, I wanted to start crying. Knowing how far our babies have come from where they first started, it's amazing. This has been such a lovely, charming little fic to read, from the cute setting, to your comedy in this, oh my god, I can't get enough. I wish I could be this charming and funny with my own writing, I mean lines like, "You mean I can't talk about how you nail me harder than the Jews nailed Jesus to the cross" or Eren "wishing he could disappear into his melted cheese" or Hanji saying she's heard them enough times to know Eren has no virtue left, I can't. I can't with this perfect fic. I can't with how soft Levi has grown since the beginning, or how mature Eren has become, how affection and sweet they both are with each other. How they're going to get a puppy, omg.

I'm so happy I had the privilege to read this fic, and I of course will be keeping an eye out for more works from you in the future.
Melyway chapter 19 . 12/24/2017
ObdurateSinner chapter 18 . 11/29/2017
I think I started reading this a while ago, but I stumbled upon it again and in a random fit of insomnia I went through it all in one go. It's a fantastic story, I enjoyed the premise and the development between Eren and Levi, especially the denial (from Levi). It was very real. Thank you for good writing and a captivating story. As much as I hope the next chapter won't be the last, it was fulfilling and even if it does end there, I will still be happy. As a writer myself, I hope at least one happy reader will bring some joy. Kudos, mate.
Ririlian chapter 18 . 8/20/2017
I'm in tears this is wonderful and beautiful thanks so much
FairyGardenCorgis chapter 18 . 7/28/2017
You have no idea how excited I was when I saw this fic had updated, oh my gosh, I shattered a few windows.

So much progress in this chapter though! Aw, Moblit's going to be Hanji's carer, I love it! And haha I love them bonding, her painting his nails and him taking it in stride, so cute. You've really done your research though on how the whole system works though, I love it. I love how excited Hanji is to be moving out and doing her own thing and yet she'll have people to help her. I love how sad she and Levi are to leave each other too though, and how she thanked him for everything he's done. I love how Levi will finally get the chance to be free as well now, and they both get to live their own lives and be happy.

Speaking of Eren and Levi, oh my gosh, they are just precious. I still can't get over how Eren convinced Levi to change careers, it's so sweet and wonderful. I love how Eren joked that he would be happy to be Levi's sugar daddy, so cute! And "This must have been how Mummy Jaeger felt when she dropped you off at uni" I die. And oohhhh the smut, you always write such wonderful, yummy smut. The things they say during sex, Eren refusing to come until Levi did, fuck me up, I can't take it. It's so hot and sweet, I'm so in love. I'm so happy they're moving in together too, who wouldn't have they'd ever would have gotten this far? I can't believe the fic is going to end! It makes me regret not finding it sooner, but I'm glad I did. I can't wait to see how it ends. Amazing job, and looking forward to the next and last chapter!
LadyFerocious chapter 18 . 7/27/2017
Awwwwwwwwwww, I almost cried, this story is so touching and beautiful, I'm glad it shows more than just romantic love :3 it was a very neat and original idea for Levi and Hanjis relationship. I'm glad she finally left the nest :')

Eren and Levi amex is always appreciated too of course xD I'm looking forward to the ending
LadyFerocious chapter 17 . 4/13/2017
I just found your story and I love it! It's very sweet and creative, I've been reading it constantly the past few days please update it soon, I'm glad these two made up
Scarlet chapter 17 . 2/21/2017
I'm going to pretend that this is the end. This was a REALLY REALLY good fic. Levi and Eren are so cute together, the story was well portrayed, and the time/pacing was awesome. Now, of you will excuse me, I have to read it again :)
BlackNecko chapter 17 . 2/16/2017
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