Reviews for To Heal a Sliced Wrist
arseniccatnip8 chapter 12 . 4/23
O MY GOSH this is one of the best stories I've ever read, no joke, it made me feel things man. Plus you portrayed Envys character really well! Great job!
Aleca W chapter 12 . 1/13/2019
This fic was really amazing. I loved it. Definitely something I will be reading over and over again.
Olivia chapter 12 . 6/22/2018
I was down from the beginning, and then when I read that it was Envy. That had my mind blown; I though there was no way this fic could be good with Envy as the love interest. But the arch into a carring character was so organic. This fic just gives me good vibes man. And then I didn’t even know till I read some comments that Envy and Ed get shipped. Definitely going to look for another, but I know I won’t find one as good as this. (I know AL’s got his body in this one but I’m still picturing )
DepressionKills chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
thanks for caring seriously you'er the first one to care and i respect you for that
Ammy chapter 12 . 4/4/2018
Dude holy shiT this is amazing
professionalprimadonna chapter 11 . 3/9/2018
This was awesome. I can't even - oh screw this, I WILL like this story!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/10/2017
Guest chapter 2 . 7/10/2017
I didn't know hospital bed sheets hissed.

xXPokeFictionXx chapter 12 . 7/9/2017
This I amazing! I know you wrote it like, two years or something ago, but it's really amazing! :D
kenni-bun bun chapter 12 . 10/20/2016
I hate how you left it dangling like that, but it was better than the other fic where envy killed himself. That one fucked me up.
YumeDeAimashou chapter 12 . 7/3/2016
This is beautiful
Guest chapter 12 . 6/22/2016
That was probably the best edvy fic I have ever read. It was amazing! Thanks for weiting.
Burakku's Shadow chapter 12 . 6/17/2016
That's it? That's the end!?

I was...kinda hoping for a little more closure than this. The ending as-is just seems so...abrupt.

Ah's a good story, even if the ending isn't wholly satisfying to me.
maniki chapter 12 . 1/30/2016
I really loved the story. thank you so much for writting it.
Svetlana303 chapter 12 . 1/24/2016
This was one of the best ed x envy fics out there! The plotline was really good, and the characters werent OOC.
I do wish there was another chapter to the ending, but the current one is really good.
Overall I think that this was a really awesome fic.
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