Reviews for Match
ShadowWolf's Fables chapter 6 . 4/1/2017
Really glad you finished this. It was so good! Loved the progression of the guys' relationship to the point where they were in a good place in their lives. If they stick together, they can weather any storm. Hope to see more from you in the future!
DS2010 chapter 6 . 7/11/2016
Those two are a total match. I love Gibbs and DiNozzo together and that Tony won't lie to Gibbs no matter what Jenny told him.
Never did like Jenny and her vendetta and using Tony the way she did.
chemmom4 chapter 5 . 2/3/2016
Looking forward to the next chapter. The sleepover should be hot.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/25/2015
faldo chapter 5 . 5/12/2015
Surely you can't leave this here!
Please try and get it finished - pretty please!
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 5 . 4/19/2015
Holy wow .. That is hot speechless except great job
Nedra1212 chapter 5 . 2/18/2015
I have been reading and re-reading some of your other stuff, so looked at this story, too i almost didn't start it when I saw how long ago it was started, and being incomplete...but then I saw the recent update, so decided to just dive in. I am SOOOO glad I did! Great five chapters...can't wait for the rest...
Cackymn chapter 5 . 1/17/2015
Hell YES. That's what I'm talking about. I REALLY liked Tony at the bar, and I loved Noah and the way he knew exactly what was going on. I think your characterization in this chapter is exceptionally patient. I really got into it. Tony's dilemma puts me directly into his head, into his feelings, and of course his pants. Awesome.
BUT. (heh, heh) AGRESSIVE GIBBS. Oh oh oh oh that does it for me like nothing else. And it was so appropriate, perfectly tuned, just right. I wish I hadn't deleted my first ever, non-posted story where Gibbs got pissed and called Tony out about experimenting.
Anyway, that thing in the truck on the way home, Tony being all in his own head, Gibbs all like "where am I taking you?" GUH. Then oh shit. I loved that Tony upped what he was doing. You blend frankness in with the angst very well, very believably. I don't like it when it is ALL fear. These are GUYS, and man are they ever hot for each other. You capture that frisson as well or better than anyone, and you make it HARD, as in intense and hot and masculine. Gibbs pulling over and molesting Tony with another amazing kiss, because he KNOWS exactly what's going on... Ahhhhh!
I am so happy right now. Each of your stories has just enough shading in dynamic to make them different, but they all carry that crazy sexy energy, with wording that is not only urgent but deep and evocative, and I just got off bigtime on this chapter. Oh Christ Jethro that was some seriously hot shit. I'm just dying trying to imagine Tony on the receiving end of this encounter.
Dominant possessive Gibbs who is also a real person. A real horny person. I'm going on and on. Anyway, the accompanying conversation was just right, a wonderful skill, mind you. "You volunteering?" and all that. Yeah.
And of course the whole " experiment with me."
combatcrazy chapter 5 . 1/16/2015
Maybe, just maybe they will finally figure this out. LOL Great job so far.
Ziver69 chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
So hooked on this. Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. :)
MyShame7 chapter 5 . 1/12/2015
What agonizingly beautiful anticipation. Is it selfish that I want you to do nothing but get this next chapter up for me...uh, US, as soon as is humanly possible?
"You want to expeeriment you experiment with ME." Just...*shivers* I could FEEL the grit of Gibbs voice in that, the brutal posession of it.
And the kiss on the side of the road? Closer *closer* All that need so hungry and urgent it couldn't even wait for a parking lot somewhere? All that firey passion and heat just burning up the air around them? *fans self* amazing.
I really liked Tony's quiet exploration of himself, the testing of his own desires and boundaries. Is it men or is it GIBBS? And I like the answer to that question even better!
SO looking forward to the hotness of the next chapter.
DiNozzos probie chapter 5 . 1/12/2015
*fans self* First, you had me a bit worried that Tony would "experiment" with Noah. Sure figured out the possibilities of life with him though. Very nice! Poor Tony - bad luck with cars continues. But oh having Gibbs come to the rescue! *Squee* Then - at Gibbs' house - DAYUM! I needed a few minutes after reading this, and I may need a few more! So very much loving this!
Caprigirl60 chapter 5 . 1/12/2015
Poor Tony and cars! He just can't win. Sorry Noah, you're a nice guy, but not the right guy. I love that Tony and Gibbs are "experimenting" together. Yay!
DS2010 chapter 5 . 1/12/2015
Guessing Tony found out what he wants, seeing little resistance there.
JETHROluvsTONY chapter 5 . 1/11/2015
Dayum, you're good!
That left me quite flustered, think I need to lie down in a darkened room for a minute or three...
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