Reviews for Firewhiskey Fic: The Huge Mistake!
seriousblahblah chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
This was literally one of the funniest stories I've read, you made me laugh so much and it actually had some of the most creative best dialogue in a dramione I've read (especially the part about flobberworms! oh my! XD)..and I was just reading the reviews and I find it even more hilarious that some people were telling you to get this betaed and spellchecked *good lord* when you clearly said in the author's note and title that it is a drunken fic and deliberate!
Well, drunken firewhiskey or not, this story was absolutely brilliant and made my day, thanks for the wonderful humor :D I loved it!
Here's some drunken mispelling of my own: kheeep writeeng ur are talenteed!
LCB chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
hpfan addict chapter 1 . 9/8/2015
Of course!? Amortentia! That has to have been the reason!? This was hilarious! Flobberworm huh? I would've guessed slugs?! Nicely done! And the trademarks!? Only you! Love and AcidPops! Cheers!;-)
Friend chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
You should probably read back through this story. There are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. You can also find a beta who will read the story for you. More people will read it. I couldn't get to through the first paragraph. I had to stop. I hope to read it after it's fixed and write another review soon. Keep writing. Practice makes perfect. :)
Summer Orchid chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
This is great! I laughed so much during this and the plot is great. Those asides far the best part!
fanficaddict04 chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
LOL! Loved this...felt like I was reading a drunk text but it just added charm to the story!
TheLadyBookworm chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
I don't usually like FWFs but this was adorable!
River in Egypt chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
Bwahaha, Ronald FP Weasley.

Oh, go on, Granger, snoggety-snog-snog. :-) And admitting it to Skeeter, too *hoots* Bulls-eye

Just out of curiosity: what wine were you having, dear? Is it possibly available in Europe, too?

No, honestly, the way you picked up all the things about Ron we all have known for too long (but didn't want to say out of respect for his creatress, J.K.) - marvelous. And the mushrooms - don't know what they were having, out there, threesome. 'Bout time somebody said it.

You go, Ook. *giggles* Ron FP Weasley