Reviews for A Long Time Coming
LvSammy chapter 66 . 9/10/2019
WOW! I eagerly await the next chapter!
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 66 . 9/5/2019
I’m excited you updated and you’re continuing story!
LvSammy chapter 65 . 5/15/2019
:-) AWESOME! This was worth the wait and a very happy birthday to you! I hope all your wishes and dreams come true! I eagerly await more!
umbrella0326 chapter 65 . 5/15/2019
What a momentous chapter! We have passion, intensity, a cliffhanger, silliness, and seriousness. You never disappoint when it comes to roller coaster emotions and it was just fun to read. I wouldn't have minded more detail at the power station but with so much happening, it makes sense to breeze by it.
And we see bits of acceptance all around. Dave, Azimio, Kurt, glee club, Burt, Paul, Jack... Will their issues ever get resolved? Of course not! Then we wouldn't have more of your incredible stories to read!
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 65 . 5/15/2019
I’m all out of predictions, but I’m glad you posted a new chapter. :)
LvSammy chapter 64 . 3/16/2019
YAY! This couldn't come at a better time. I just got out of the hospital. I have a problem with my heart. So this was so wonderful. It made me smile. I love this and eagerly await more!
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 64 . 3/15/2019
I’m glad you’re posting new chapters!
Guest chapter 63 . 9/10/2018
Hi! I just want to say that this stiry is awesome!

I couldn't stop reading it.

I was wonderin'are you ever going to finish it?

Its TOO good to stop!

What happens to Jack!

Please update this.
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 63 . 7/12/2018
I’m glad that Dave is home, but I’m still wondering about the issue with Jack. Those jerks at school need to be expelled.
LvSammy chapter 63 . 6/29/2018
I'm not usually a Kurt/Kurofsky pairing but I like this and am hooked. I stumbled over this yesterday and it has held me hostage till I caught up. So my laundry is piled up, I have to clean and get ready for a new sofa but it all had to wait...because I had to catch up...But now that I did...OMG...Will those jerks face punishment...What's with the lawyer that wants to see Jack...and Kurt...omg...will Kurt be safe...and this is gonna kill me...I eagerly await more!
umbrella0326 chapter 63 . 6/17/2018
**sigh** Protective people always mean well. Unfortunately, they want to help more than you need it. It can easily do harm than good. But I'm glad you're showing this.
And lawyers are collectively persistent. So, you combine the two and Paul is really doomed here, isn't he?
This is a brilliant stroke to have them care for Dave, but also be vulnerable. We still don't know about this strange thing going on with Jack, but knowing you, it'll be worth it.
Good flow in this chapter and it felt real. Good job!
Elle D'Elajoie chapter 1 . 3/25/2018
This is a really interesting story. I hope you keep updating.
Guessing about the Jack’s phone call... maybe the FBI found out what was going on at Caroway Gardens and someone filed a lawsuit against the owners and Jack is needed for his testimony since I’m sure that George’s sister explained why she torched the place.
umbrella0326 chapter 62 . 3/10/2018
You updated! Well, it's about time (ha, ha!). This epic needs attention and it's just too darn good to leave us readers hanging.

Your attention to detail here is impressive. I know exactly what's in the hospital room and how you want us to feel. I also like Sarah here. We finally get just the barest traces of her not being so hurt and angry anymore. Nice - you've proven she really is human.

And an attorney's office? Hmmmm... Sounds like Jack has done something wrong. But you're the pilot here and I have no choice but to go where you take me. So, lead on! Nice chapter.
Shadowwing2012 chapter 61 . 1/23/2018
Please let me kill off those characters, love the story by the way looking forward to the rest.
Dawofmorning chapter 60 . 11/24/2017
What is gong to happen next can wait to find out . So excited about the next chapter l
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