Reviews for Dragon Ball Zenkai: The Power of Two
Evilkitten3 chapter 3 . 2/11
Gotta say - I love that his name is essentially "veggie rice". They literally fused into Pilaf XD
thunderofdeath97 chapter 8 . 9/14/2017
um isn't vegehan, for all intents and purposes, a pedophile now?
Cryptic Saiyan chapter 14 . 4/10/2017
Trying to figure goku's power here. Before gohan had his potential unleashed, I believe he was about as strong as he was when he fought Cell. Knowing that I can guess that Goku's unleashed power is comparable to Buuhan, Buu's strongest form. Beyond that I can't guess how strong his super saiyan forms would be, though I would guess that super saiyan 3 would be able to at least entertain lord beerus.
JemDragons chapter 4 . 3/31/2017
This fic is very true to the source material and I commend that. Unfortunately that makes it rather boring and same-y to me and ultimately I'm going to go read something else. Nonetheless well done on writing it. It's better than I could ever do.
LastationLover5k chapter 14 . 3/24/2017
So due to my error earlier, I have to put this review in as an anon. Regardless, this was a pretty good chapter. Fantastic set-up for the coming God and God arc, and a brilliant use of Beerus. I'd love to end it here and go take a nap (I'm honestly bushed) but let's continue!

First, clever nod to TFS earlier; I notice you do that even more than I do. It's a hit or miss thing; this one was definitely a Hit. Also the nods to the "Human Level" introduced in Super; a welcome addition in its entirety.

I do love how Goku has given Old Kaioushin pictures of Bulma as payment for this. I kinda want the pictures myself now. Also, good on you for at least having him show some misgivings about this; it IS against his nature, but his reasoning is sound. Now, gimme those pictures of Bulma. Also nice mention of Time Travel when Beerus did show up; you're incorporating welcome elements of Super into this story in a good way. I also like the clever nod to the lifeforce link between Kaioshin and Hakaishin, even if it wasn't mentioned outright.

I will admit; I zoned out EVER SO SLIGHTLY when Tarble came into the picture, but I toughed it out, and good on Vege(ta)han for being a good onii-san. You haul your ass out there and handle your baby brother's problems while your half-dad trains your other baby brother. I'm glad his girlfriend and former wife can talk some sense into him. It's a good thing I'm not writing this story, or this isn't being written for a less than reputable site because I swear, Vegehan-Videl-Bulma threesome? Yeeeeeees.

Also Vegehan's recognition of Beerus through Vegeta's memories. Not. Fucking. Bad.

So the entire fight between Potential Unleashed Goku and Beerus (and then Potential Unleashed Super Saiyan Goku and Beerus) was not bad at all. I really like how you've taken my advice about battles and run with it. They flow so much better now and this one is no exception. The pacing was quick, Goku thought on his feet but Beerus was always just one-step ahead. I do like that he pushed Beerus to about 10% of his power — Goku seemed to be putting out the same amount of power as a Potential Unleashed Super Saiyan as Vegeta did when Beerus pissed him off; the blows played off similarly, so I saw the inspiration. Pity it wasn't enough; a human is still just a human.

All in all a good, well-written chapter, and a fantastic final battle at the end.
LastationLover5000 chapter 13 . 3/18/2017
So this was quite the interesting chapter; I love how well Videl is handling this whole "fuck I'm an alien cyborg" situation. A lot of people in her position wouldn't be handling it quite so easily but she's pretty chipper for someone in her position. Also, good job explaining the finer parts of her conversion though I am 90% sure Bulma could remove a plug in the back of her head. This is BULMA.

The casual sections were also very nice; we're reminded constantly that you do not fuck with Bulma, and Erasa, Videl, and Sharpener's casual moments weren't bad either. With Tarble, Goku, Vegehan, Goten, Trunks, and Videl, that makes six Saiyans, you clever bastard.

So...did Beerus just utterly STOP RoF? Like, entirely? Beerus, bro, WTF!? Regardless, this chapter was fantastic. Good work.
LastationLover5000 chapter 14 . 3/18/2017
So this was quite the interesting chapter; I love how well Videl is handling this whole "fuck I'm an alien cyborg" situation. A lot of people in her position wouldn't be handling it quite so easily but she's pretty chipper for someone in her position. Also, good job explaining the finer parts of her conversion though I am 90% sure Bulma could remove a plug in the back of her head. This is BULMA.

The casual sections were also very nice; we're reminded constantly that you do not fuck with Bulma, and Erasa, Videl, and Sharpener's casual moments weren't bad either. With Tarble, Goku, Vegehan, Goten, Trunks, and Videl, that makes six Saiyans, you clever sunnuvabitch.

So...did Beerus just utterly STOP RoF? Like, entirely? Beerus, bro, WTF!? Regardless, this chapter was fantastic. Good work.
Lightningblade49 chapter 14 . 3/18/2017
Now comes the potential fight we all want to see.
Lightningblade49 chapter 11 . 3/18/2017
Android Videl shit that aint good... I wonder if this time Beerus can sense Vegehans power lol.
Lightningblade49 chapter 10 . 3/18/2017
I am very surprised they could do this to someone of Vegehan's level it's hard to fathom to be honest.
The Anguished One chapter 14 . 3/18/2017
Honestly, I always expected more people to go see the Old Kaioshin about having their Unleashed Potential. Got no issue with Goku doing it here, as it means Goten and Trunks will have a mentor to train and aspire to overcome without having the already absurd task of trying to fight Vegehan. He was still nothing next to Beerus, but he did a tiny bit better here than in canon.
Setting up Future Trunks! Sweet... Slightly worried Beerus will decide he has to wipe out that timeline, but still excited to see what happens there (and suddenly I'm imagining his arc playing out as Trunks returning to find help on how to stop the God of Destruction instead of Goku Black).
Anonymous chapter 14 . 3/18/2017
A little question
How did Goku transform
I remember clearly when old Kai unlocked Gohan's full attainable power that he said he has all his power and more just in his normal form right? So how could Goku transform? Or is it because since he is a full blooded Saiyan that is why he could and Gohan could not? And if he could transform then why not use ssj3 instead of basic ssj?
Would Goku still be able to get stronger or would his power growth stop due to his full power being unlocked?
Update soon
The Anguished One chapter 13 . 3/14/2017
Beerus just stopped Revival of F... bit of a bummer as it has cool moments, but nothing overall tragic due to its flaws (no real consequences, Vegeta being denied his chance to defeat Frieza, Ginyu at of nowhere). With Tarble now here, that fixes the lack of Saiyans to make Battle of Gods happen, as Vegehan plus no Pan on the way left us short.
Pie 555 chapter 13 . 3/13/2017
Ooooooh I love Beerus! Manily cus he spanked Gotenks!

Pleasepleasepleaseeeee promise me he'll spank Gotenks again like in the movie!

*Gets on hands and knees and begins to pray at your feet while crying*

But great new chapters! I was waiting foooooorever for somenew action and I looooove it~
Zaru chapter 12 . 3/12/2017
Awesome, just in time for Battle of Gods! Although Vegehan hasn't done "it" with Videl to make Pan right? And they're down a Saiyan too, so their only hope is that Videl were to have twins.

So, Videl was infected by Nanomachines or cyber tech?
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