Reviews for Mad-Libs
Cancer chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
I am This Fanfic
Kiriska chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
This. This was good. Where's the kudos button, dangit. Thanks for the laughs! 3
kagehisa chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
"'A Saintly Taichi decided to give them Sora's left nostril'"


You did it. You just fucking won the internet!
Jade Leaf Forest chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
So apparently I'm a terrible person and forgot to review after reading your awesome fic. I hate how rare it is to find a good friendship story between these three, but this is both funny and entertaining. Love how you wrote their dynamic!
Zineku chapter 1 . 11/23/2015
Oh my God this was rally funny! I love the chemestry between this trio.
Well, as english is not my first language I had problems to understand some stuff and I had to make a little researsh (I didn't even know this game! hahaha). But it was totally worth it!
I want to go Sora's-hatting someday (if that's even possible)
And the issue with MS Office 2003-2008 was SO LIKE ME! I felt really self inserted into this for a moment hehehe Great story! :)
FallenQueen2 chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
Oh my god i'm crying of laughter here oh my god i can't even 3
SoraTakinouchi chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
I can't believe it! For such a hilarious and awesome piece of Taiorato, just two reviews? I have seen much more than that on really crappy stories! I guess everyone just likes to read sex stuff or stupid romantic fluffs, ignoring such awesome humor. This is a great story, made me laugh on quite a few points (which btw is not easy) and I can only ask you to write more such stories based on this trio.
mahwish1 chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
Hey. This story was really great. I actually read it on Tumblr and I couldn't get the huge smile off of my face. You did a great job at portraying their friendship just the right way it would be :)

I enjoyed it and I hope you'll write more stories about these three :)
cyclone5000 chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
This story is great! I'm a huge fan of Taiorato shenanigans and I love how you captured all of their personalities here. Not only was it funny but it was all in character, which makes the story even more better!

I have to admit, I was giggling like a child too every time 'the butt' was mentioned xD oh that was too funny. It's times like these where I wish more writers wrote Taiorato like this rather than just making them into dramatic love triangles. It's refreshing and satisfying to read a well written fanfic like this.

I did loose my place in the dialogue once. But it was easy to pick up who was saying what. Because of the dialogue the pace moved fast, but because there is a significant amount of content it did feel like a solid one shot once I finished.

Thank you for the great read!
Sora Loves Rain chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
They are so funny:) I like it:D