Reviews for The Past
RimaPichi chapter 2 . 12/4/2014
Aaaah please don't stop writing thiiiiis QvQ
It's so interesting so far QuQ i've been searching a story like this about kagerou days QoQ
I'd love to know how it'll go on TuT
YukiEne chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
This is such a nice story! please make another chapter!

also please look at my own story too! its my first try but its better than nothing!
ProjectKano chapter 2 . 6/11/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
This is good, i look forward to more!
Myn47 chapter 2 . 5/23/2014
That was intense. Wow. I like how there is a part of Kano who's telling the truth because Kano doesn't usually offer much of that.. Update soon!
bluejellyfishOuO chapter 2 . 5/23/2014
Those are some sick nightmares. It would be sad if the Mekakushi Dan ever turned into the people in his nightmares. Even Shintaro didn't want him to be around...
ProjectKano chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
I think this is the only good kagepro fanfiction out there... no offense to others...
Kamii chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
This is really sad ...looking at Kano's POV makes me feel very uneasy I need to hug him too ! Q v Q)
aaahh can't wait too read the next chapter ! Good job!
Ensecret chapter 1 . 5/6/2014
I want a cookie ! \o/
.. Um-. To begin, sorry for my english. :'D
And now : yeaaaah. A new SetoKano fic. I'm so happy to read it before go to school. I'll follow it to be sure that I don't miss new chapters.
See ya ! :D