Reviews for A Fire I Can't Put Out
Guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
Came here from tumblr, and I'm in total shock! What an excellent story! I appreciate your tribute to Lucy Desi, but oh my..I can't help but feel so awfully sad! This is the first story I have read where RK are divorced! Very bittersweet...I love that they call each other to keep in touch and work together to help out the "dumbasses"...but I'm also so upset in this AU they don't come back together again! Wonderful job.
jessasacklers chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
Saw this on tumblr and came here to read, and now I'm sad. And curious about your nano fanfic too! This put things in a very interesting light, I want to know what happened between Kitty and Red to get a divorce/slipt. How everyone took it too. Hyde and Jackie's new conflict is also interesting, and oooh Hyde. Why you always gotta be such an ass? *slaps him*. Interesting story!
Vanessa chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
PoetDameron chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
This piece is sad but still sweet. It's obvious they still love each other and know each other so well, it makes us all wonder why would they part away. I'm totally curious about it and also about Hyde and Jackie, too. I hope Red slapped some sense to that idiot, because I would totally do it. Girl of his dreams is going and he does nothing, typical Hyde -rolls eyes-.

Poor Kitty, she sounds so upset by what Hyde is doing and about how things went for her and Red. Can only imagine how she must feel seeing Jackie so sad, it must touch something deep inside her. She doesn't want her kids to be unhappy like her. -hugs Kitty-

Now, I'm going back tumblr to yell some more about this to you lol!
Mj chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Oh how sad for R and K! I think it is nice that they are still looking after H & J
kevin the bird chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
aslfjALSDKFJ this isn't what i expected at all, but i loved it! i love how despite everything, kitty still calls red to talk to hyde. i love that. i always thought that red and hyde had a special bond. as much as i love kitty and hyde's relationship, i think i might like red and hyde's relationship better and you really played on that for me.

i loved how red asked what the idiot did! it had me laughing because it was so something that red would say. it was perfect and i loved it.

don't even get me started on the part where kitty says that she knew that red loved all the kids as much as she did. it's so true and i love that kitty knows that. i feel like she's the only one that knows that and it's perfect that you added it in!

and the ending! i thought you ended it beautifully. alsfj the part where they both said that they still love each other broke my heart, but it also made me happy. alsdjf

this fic was perfect and i absolutely loved it!
olarst chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
That was nearly tear-jerking, and I'm being honestly sincere here. Reading an alternate version of That '70s Show where Kitty and Red aren't together... that's kind of shocking if you think about how the show would be without them together. Thought-provoking and moving, now that's amazing!

Thanks for the read!
GatsbyParty chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
Its very different, I like that they can still be friends and talk even though things ended between them. Good job:) You should think about doing a sequel since I would like to know what happened with J/H. Hope Red knocks some sense into Hyde.
FallingDownz chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
Great, great oneshot here! Like you said, its not dark per say but definitely edgy-ish lol. I loved that about it.

As soon as Red asked, "How's uh...Bill" I knew there was something off. Though my spirits were instantly lifted with the hilarious Dumbass Number One and Two thing. Thought that was clever.

It hurt me a bit when Red said he got the house and Kitty got the kids. My suspicions were confirmed at that point. I never even thought of a story where the two of them would separate. Nice creativity, though I'm sure it must've hurt you a little bit to write it lol. I know how much of a R/K shipper you are.

Even though he didn't appear, I already don't like Bill. Separating the Forman family is a big no no lol.

I absolutely loved this part:

"Alright, fine I'll talk to Steven." He said with a defeated sigh, "I'll call him up and tell him to get his ass over to your place so you can talk to him about whatever's going on between him and the loud one."


"After I have my own talk with him." LOL. I can 100% see that play out in the show. Great job on that little scene.

The ending was very heartfelt. It's like you know they both will always love each other deeply but, they know it can never go back to the way it was. Sad, yet realistic note to end on, but it was such a riveting one-shot. Awesome work on it!
HydeLuver chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
This story! First, it must have been hard for you to write because I know how much you love RK together and a divorce between them is almost unthinkable. I do think you did a wonderful job with it. The unexpected divorce twist did not take away from the emotions between them and I could still tell how much they love each other. I felt so bad for Red having to ask her about Bill and trying to be happy for her despite still being in love with Kitty. Really nice job!
johnnycakewasgolden chapter 1 . 5/19/2014
All I can say is this is beautiful! You can definitely feel Red's love for Kitty and their kids and how he wish he could fix everything.
Clairvoyance12 chapter 1 . 5/15/2014
Oh my God! Why?! Just why?! That was probably the most AU story that you have ever written! Red and Kitty, not together anymore? What could've possibly have happened for that to occur!

Well anyway... Great job on this. I liked the conversation and the slightly melancholic undertone with how much they both missed each other.

Great job indeed... Can't wait to read more of your work!
Eliza Ghost chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Kurtwood is amazing in Resurrection. We must fangirl about it later.
It's so sad imagining them divorced, and I actually like that you didn't say why, because that's not what it's about. It's about their present, and that they still love each other. This piece is kind of sad, but also really nice. I don't know how to describe the tone. Mellow isn't quite the right word...but do you know what I mean? It has emotions but it's not super intense, and I like that. Poor Red. I wouldn't like Bill either :P Great story.
chromeknickers chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
Okay, I have to admit that one of the reasons I put off reading and reviewing your updates for a few days is because I want to have the time to actually sit back and enjoy the read. I want to take it all and absorb it.

I say this each and every time, but you are the Queen of Kitty and Red fics. You just are. No one writes them the way you do. And even when the story's AU you still encapsulate them perfectly.

A lot of people want to ignore how OOC Red could get in the later seasons. How unloving he could seem and how inconsiderate of Kitty's feelings, especially around Pam or anything having to do with Kitty's menopause. You, however, handle it perfectly. You make it work, and you make an old married couple actually thrilling to read about.

This story was just heartbreaking. I know it's not a tragedy but it feels like one. Without even knowing what happened, I know it's Red's fault and Red's paying for it in his own way. Kitty moved on because, well, Kitty's a lovely woman who could get any man she wanted. Red would be alone because, well, no one but Kitty could tolerate him. *sighs* And now I'm sad. :(

But, really, Prissy, this was a great read. I loved the little humour spliced throughout, like "Don't tell me the Kettlehead is running around naked again." This was just so well put together.

Also, I have to say that I loved your little follow-up with the story about Desi and Lucy. It was so sweet and sad, like this fic. You really know how to tug at the heartstrings. :)

PS: Kurtwood's performance has been brilliant on Resurrection. Glad to see him back.
MistyMountainHop chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
Prissy, I sooo didn't expect an AU like this from you, but that makes it even more interesting! A universe where Red and Kitty divorce? *eek!* My guess is that he and Pam Burkhart ... ew. I can't even bring myself to finish that. But I'd love a sequel to this (with answers *lol*). This is the beginning of an intriguing story.

Comments (and LOLs) on specific lines below.

(His scowl deepened "Don't tell me the Kettlehead is running around naked again.") - LOL

("Kitty…when we signed those papers we agreed I got the house and you got the dumbasses.") - Whoa.

(Kitty felt her throat get tight and she pursed her lips together before releasing her own sigh, "Red, you and I both know what happened."

"I know." he nodded again, "I guess I was just hoping you'd forgotten and I could try to sweep you off your feet all over again.") - Aw, that's sad.
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