Reviews for Old Friend
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Cool! Is there a sequel to this story?
Blades of justice chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
I honestly perfer this version to the original it show a side of megs that
He he cared for his once brother in arms great story
spikevv chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Upon reading this it reminds me that no matter what, there must always be a hero and a villain, but...what happens when the hero is gone. How would the joker function without batman? How would Megatron deal with the death of Optimus? Well you have just shown us.
How ever misguided the villain may be, deep down they still have feelings and to lose your nemesis is to lose apart of your self. Like Ahab and the white wale.
Now if its ok...I'm gonna cry
TriGemini Prime chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
This made me cry. So GOOOD! THIS IS SO AWESOME!
sweettea1 chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! After Predacon Rising, I was left wondering what had happened to Megatron, for he seemed to be the only mech that did not have a satisfying conclusion. However, your story gave me a great - though sad - answer, and I honestly would not want it done any other way.

So, simply, you did an AMAZING job with this. Keep up the good work :)

TriGemini Prime chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
Sorry! I had no time to log in!
But...I love this! The way you portray Megatron is amazing! Showing that he DOES have a 'soft' side to him is perfect. And it also shows that the war also is affecting him closer to home.
Oh, and as for the question for more Megatron stories?
Leviprime chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
My feeeeeeellllsss
shadybabe101 chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
OMG! That was epic my friend! I sware I was in tears as was everyone else who was reading this :) this was really well written and you got Megatron spot on. Making him still the former Decepticon warlord but making him see emotions that even he is foreign to. Awesome job and thanks ;)
SexyNaughtyMe chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
This was good but I sat here with tears in my eyes; but still very good story.
haloangel21 chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
Holy crap, this brought a tear to my eye.
It was so wonderful to read Megatron finally accepting his faults and wanting things the way they were. :'(
Nice read!
Dream'sRealm chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
T.T Oh my gosh. This has to be the best fic that I've ever read about Megatron after Optimus' death. This was so beautiful and captured his character perfectly! I applaud you on a job well done, my friend!

Have an awesome weekend and may God bless you!

Until next time, Dream'sRealm