Reviews for Don't mess with Gryffindor
Percy Ross Vulturi Uchiha chapter 7 . 1/24/2019
Uuuuh the Limbo Magic !?

XD Oh well what the heck happen to Harry ! The baby it's he death because is way a lot down there and it is to small to survive

Will be a brutal twist... Poor Harry is seriously curse every person that love him died.
Percy Ross Vulturi Uchiha chapter 6 . 11/26/2018
OMG ! My theory is true

Did someone mess with Harry's mind with a imperious or something?

Oooh please get the next chapter sooner it's pretty. Interesting this story

Poor Harry and Poor Draco
Midnight Fan chapter 6 . 11/25/2018
No Draco! I absolutely love your story so far, keep yup the good work.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/14/2018
I really like your story. You are a good writer.
yukino76 chapter 5 . 5/27/2018
good update thanks
yukino76 chapter 4 . 4/3/2018
Draco you don(t need to do it alone let the other help you
christin.hikary chapter 4 . 7/31/2017
Author-san this is the best fanfiction of Harco i've ever read so far...waiting for the next chapt Ganbatte (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
disabled acct. spino chapter 2 . 10/16/2016
I am a person who usually fancies a good Rape and Mpreg then bonding but...This time I feel I don't want bonding because Draco is said to be the bad guy but when the sides are flipped, well I AM LOVIN IT so I just want harry to go die in a hole ,or be REALLY bad
Guest chapter 4 . 2/9/2016
No Harry, I don't forgive you (the following words will NOT be beeped out) you fucking bastard jerk excuse for a human. You're just an evil little piece of shit... you.. you.. wait.. he said he was sorry because Draco was being sincere in what he said but he would of raped him still if he knew that Draco WASN'T being sincere... YOU JERK HARRY!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/9/2016
No Draco don't go! D:
Guest chapter 2 . 2/9/2016
I don't know if I like the idea of Harry beinfg such a... a (the following words have been beeped out) ******* *** **** I mean like really why is he such a big **** **** ******* ****!? Uhhgg he better be under some spell or potion or or or... UHG!
Cal Kemist chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
ummmm DAM wow very well written :D great job... YAOI TO THE MAX BRA... fabulous. (not on my account right now)
sierrachan chapter 4 . 2/9/2016
Why the adult didn't punish Harry?
I mean, really?
What kind sick fuck society, or at least Dumbledore it is, if he just silent and didn't even give Harry a detention or expel?
Rape is a serious crime, and to make Draco easily forgive him?
Toshiro of the Eternal Dream chapter 4 . 2/9/2016
allow Draco to top harry when they get to that point
Boneheart chapter 4 . 2/7/2016
Let me just say that I really love your story, although I think Harry is a bit out of character, I think you did pretty well on Draco given the circumstances. While Harry can be aggressive at times, & if pushed far enough I suppose he could rape, I don't think he would've done it for almost no reason. This is however fanfiction though, anything could happen. Draco I think you're doing great, while he acts high & mighty & even bratty, he can easily be manipulated & isn't the bravest of people. I think he'll do whatever he can to please. I also think considering the way you're writing Harry, Draco could develope Stockholm Syndrome. That's all up to you though. Anyways I just wanted to say that I'm sincerely enjoying this story & I really hope you update soon.
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