Reviews for The Triad Mark
TheWriter946 chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
Wonder what happens if Layton finds himself in a war between Templars and Assassins...
soberan 123 chapter 2 . 3/23/2017
please continue the story
Guest chapter 2 . 8/23/2015
It started off as an intriguing story, dear author!
I admit I missed the last two games of Professor Layton (*coughno3DSformecough*) and I know very little of Emmy, but whatever! I like both Layton and Assassin's Creed so I'm glad I'm not the only one! ;)

I like how you're putting new Pieces of Eden (at least I guess these 'relics' are the Pieces) and Abstergo (assuming those bad guys who closed the site are the Templars)!
And I can't help but think the messages are from the Assassins who, to help/kill/whatever Emmy's friends with the POE's, leave clues. Maybe the 'they go together like pieces of a puzzle' was something to see how many POE's were in whose hands!
And ohhh, who's 'She' that is Awoken? Juno? Minerva? A sleeper agent? A mermaid? The Templar Cross is looming over them like the darkest of shadows! *shrill squeal of brain overheating*
You got me hooked, author!

And I know I don't need to ask, but rather see with my own eyes, but... will the Assassins find our heroes? Will our heroes find the Assassins? Will Abstergo find both? What are the POE's like? Are they glowy, silvery, like the Apples, magic artifacts?
Will this include the modern assassins, or the old ones too like Altair, Connor, Ezio, etc?

Farewell, author, and continue when you can. I shall follow your lead.
*Leap of Faith*
Charlie Big Nose chapter 2 . 4/29/2015
You've set out an intriguing mystery and I hope you continue this fic. I can't wait to see what happens next.
THE real assistant chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
I like this story so far, keep it up! It's really good so far, is Emmy an Assassin, or a templar. Or maybe Luke is one. Ok, now I'm paranoid. TTFN, Ta Ta for now.