Reviews for Unconditionally
Pamela Hutchins chapter 88 . 4/13
I hope you update soon!
EruditeTheAlmightyRavenclaw chapter 1 . 2/16
Love cold play. And I love that line in particular
Pamela Hutchins chapter 88 . 1/4
Oh my god! I can’t believe this!
Pamela Hutchins chapter 65 . 1/4
I spoke too soon I’m literally crying but great chapter!
Pamela Hutchins chapter 63 . 1/4
Thank you so much for saving Sirius!
Ghostwriter71 chapter 42 . 11/28/2019
The letter was an awesome touch. And the bit about the picture...ahh, that got me bad. :/ Excellent job! You know someone's a good writer when they make you feel sad for a bunch of characters who aren't even real!
Ghostwriter71 chapter 23 . 11/26/2019
OK. I am very cynical of romance in real life...very cynical. So I am happy when it actually works out, even if it's only in fiction. But still, poor Selene. :/ I'm sort of split on the whole pureblood/everyone else thing.

But, I've sort of binged this story between yesterday and today. It's amazing. You're doing en excellent job.

Just, one question, though...what is the connection to this story and "Borrowed Time", which seem very much the same with a certain few exceptions? If you've explained it somewhere and I either missed it or just haven't come to it yet, I apologize. It's just that I actually binged "Borrowed Time" before this one, so I'm just a bit confused. ("Borrowed Time" is amazing too...)
Pamela Hutchins chapter 89 . 7/5/2019
I really adore this story I really hope that you pick it back up when everything gets better
KitSimm chapter 88 . 6/29/2019
Lost! My precious is lost!

Anyone who doesn't get this reference GTFO
WhereTroubleGoes chapter 88 . 6/29/2019
For Future Readers

Only read this if you wish for utter heart break from loving this wonderfully written story so much, only to realize it has been cut short and left as the worse case scenario. Death of a brilliant fanfic that would have made it BIG.

For (if still there) Author

This is fucking brilliant! I both love and hate you for this story. Did you mean to leave it how you did? Or did life just kinda get in the way? You're an amazing talent and hope you continue to amaze us with it in anyway you can shape it. Hope to read more of your brilliance one day. The world is duller without it.
sjlovesstories chapter 89 . 12/2/2018
Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I can’t say I wasn’t shocked by the ending but it was truly a pleasure to read your writing. I hope all is well. Have a wonderful holiday season!
My Dear Frodo chapter 89 . 4/22/2018
Hey! I really enjoyed reading this story, and tbh I’m kinda bummed there’s no continuation but I get why you would do that. I was just thinking maybe you could change the story from complete to incomplete? Just so that people who are looking for a finished story can really find one. I spent over 24 hours reading this over the past few days and while I enjoyed it, it’s kinda disappointing not to know what happens to everyone. Thank you again for writing this and I hope everything is going well for you!
ExcelsiorBlue chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
To all of you complaining about the ending. Read the writer's bio dammit. They're focusing on their mental health and relationships. Let them. I understand the ending was pretty disappointing but can you really blame her? Let her focus on her life, I'm sure it was a hard decision for her but at least support her instead of complaining about it.
LiaLoveFood chapter 89 . 4/19/2018
What kind of bull is this? You write eighty-eight chapters and you can't even wrap it up?
FlggnMlly22998 chapter 89 . 4/17/2018
That's just mean... funny, but mean.
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