Reviews for Indelible
Michelle Law chapter 46 . 6/26
Bella, being Bella, will probably finish the laundry, including the fold-up/hang-up aspect, over Edward 's
Michelle Law chapter 36 . 6/25
You are soooooo sneaky and even MORE Devious-er than I thought! You should work for the CIA, you so good. Yay for Edward, grabbing this second chance at happiness by the balls, and coming home to Bella for Good! I swear, if Carlisle tries to derail this I will be Pissed!
Michelle Law chapter 34 . 6/25
You're kind of devious- I see what you did there - you want us-and Bella to think Edward is accepting that promotion in Chicago. But I think it is something
Michelle Law chapter 27 . 6/25
Thank you that the vacay with Renee was NOT a ginormous Angst-fest! Yay understanding, silver-lining Edward!
Michelle Law chapter 14 . 6/24
Thank you for allowing Your Bella to not call all over herself with forgiveness for Edward. It still rankles that S. Meyer almost never let Bella have a spine.
Michelle Law chapter 13 . 6/24
Your "that Ship has sailed" embellishments remind me of my own: "...sailed and been sunk by pirates. "
LaPumuckl chapter 50 . 6/22
Thank you for sharing their story, I've had a great time reading ;)
leinchen chapter 50 . 6/3
I just wanted to say thank you - I really enjoyed reading this story!
Thanks for writing and sharing it with us!
Greetings from Germany,
Guest chapter 50 . 5/31
I love this story more each time I read it. I wish there were a sequel.
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 17 . 5/11
So I don't get Bella saying, she wanted know or wish she knew... Why? It's retarded, she was in a serious relationship.

I always dislike when stories have Edward or Bella hate or are jealous of a chick/guy who has affection for one of them then when shit hits the fan and one of them dates that person... They never go 'welll. guess that jealousy was founded.' Cause obviously the feelings would have had to have been there. Ofc Edward in this made it easy after being gone a year, but he only saw after a year, I 'm sure they were acting like couple prior to making it a official.
Nikki1219 chapter 26 . 4/30
I love everything about this story ️
BurtonM1927 chapter 35 . 3/30
A beautiful angst free love story, one I want to never end. This one of my favorites.
labellavampira chapter 21 . 3/11
This story is so good so far but I started to feel a tight melancholy in my chest while reading the past few chapters and I didn't want to voice why...but I feel like I need to. I am turning thirty in two days and to say I'm not happy about it is putting it lightly. I'm unhappily single, never been married. No great sweeping romance in my life. And one thing I have always wanted is children and a large family. I don't know what you have in mind for the rest of this story, we aren't even halfway through yet...but it seems set up as a given that Bella is past her time for having children, and that makes me sad. Thirty-nine is not too late. I guess it just kinda hurts to think that. For all I know, you will have them have additional children together (I'm half tempted to jump to the end, just to see, but I never like to spoil things for myself). I know you probably won't read this, but I needed to write it for myself, I think. It's not too late :) It's what I tell myself. People have different timelines and not everyone has to have their kids in their twenties or early thirties. There is hope.
2loveybunnies chapter 36 . 1/28
FOREVER?! That's sound like a plan! But what about Esme and Carlisle and his job and his friends and...won't Masen be upset? I hope he does it!
2loveybunnies chapter 35 . 1/28
OH Yeah, Renee! I am so proud of her for knowing that this was a great surprise for Bella, and as much as she needs time with mom, this is even better!
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