Reviews for Tea and Deathsticks
Guest chapter 8 . 4/10/2019
Tea is indeed universal. I favor a Keemun or Yunnan straight up. I liked the story, and hope to see more of Silent Song soon.
Eryniel Alasse chapter 8 . 10/13/2018
I don't think I've reviewed this yet, which is absolutely something that must be corrected immediately. Well done! This is sweet, funny, fluffy, and introspective all at once. And tea! Well, you have me craving some right now.
i luv ewansmile chapter 8 . 3/5/2018
What a lovely story.
OwlOtaku123 chapter 8 . 9/18/2017
aaHHhhHHhh such a good story I love it
boywholivedcometodie chapter 8 . 4/23/2017
Zanna Tinuviel chapter 8 . 3/6/2017
Well it took me long enough to scrape together time to read this and it now appears I'm writing the 100th review.

AAAAH. *dissolves into pile of fangirl feels*

This entire thing was just too freaking cute! The deathsticks, the tea, the blundering, the master-Padawan fluff. *sighs happily* I love it so much.

As a girl very very attached to my tea, this was fabulous. There are so many different types of tea, and some we cling to as special memories. I've got one blend that will always remind me of tea parties with one of my closest friends, and another (haven't had it in years, actually) that reminds me of when I used to play kitchen at the age of 6.

A lot of people would rather have coffee or hot chocolate, but there really is something very soothing about tea. It's been around for a very long time, and I love that people will work it into even sci-fi stories like Star Wars and Star Trek.

I really enjoyed the light tone here, coupled with a few more frightening or sad moments. It blended together very well, especially for such a short fic. (Well, short for you anyway XD ) And honestly, this is something that melds so perfectly into the canonical storyline, I wish it were actually canonical. (Though that's nothing new, I wish all of your stuff was canonical)

Really great job though. Looking forward to the next fic ;)

Guest101 chapter 2 . 2/21/2017
I love that scene. It cracks me up. "You will not sell me deathsticks. You will go home and rethink your life."
TheRedScreech chapter 8 . 2/10/2017
Darling, wonderful, stellar! Gosh, I am in love with your prose! The coalescence of it is incredible! It just...falls. It seems so effortless, like leaves on a wind or some such poetic simile.

And of course, Obi-Wan is thoughtful and stalwart as always, bless his heart.

If there is a fic of Qui-Gon going down with Obi-Wan to meet the little tea-seller, I would love to read it. :)
Translator-Lost chapter 8 . 1/23/2017
... Are you a tea freak ? My cousin is x) She'd go into the Death Star, Coruscant's lowers levels AND the deepest Sith-hell for such good tea. Your story was kinda cute, btw. I've now read all of your SW fanfics and I'm very eager to discover the Silent Song's next chapter
reppad98 chapter 8 . 12/16/2016
Ah, this was such a nice story! Really, really very nice. The way you write Obi-Wan is just wonderful, and the sense of humor in this story is subtle but still very amusing. The descriptions are beautiful, as always, and I especially, especially loved the way you showed Coruscant. The heaven and hell comparison and the different levels, and how the lower levels of Coruscant are created by themselves, including all the horrors that live there. That scene was awesome, by the way. The way you showed the differences between the levels was really amazing and I would have loved to see more expansion on that. This story fits perfectly into canon, which I also really like, and that Obi-Wan is going back to visit the tea-man (I forgot his name, sorry) and his elaborate backstory! It was a very interesting and beautiful story, and it's definitely going into my favorites list :)
Thank you very much for writing this, it was awesome, and Merry Christmas, and keep writing! ! !
LobsterLobster chapter 8 . 11/13/2016
I love this story so much! Thank you for sharing it! Of course poor Obi-wan would get radiation poisoning when he's just trying to find some tea. Everything about this story was perfect!
LobsterLobster chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
This is adorable! Especially when the tea explodes everywhere ;)
Kondoru chapter 8 . 11/2/2016

I grew up hating tea, -until I was given the hard stuff...

...with no milk...Milk in tea! I will turn to the Dark side!
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 8 . 6/4/2016
I love it! FLuff and deepness-and some good father/son bonding. Nicely done.
KnightOwl247 chapter 5 . 5/15/2016
May I present obi-wan kenobi, the flame alchemist. Heh heh
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