Reviews for Mint Ice Cream
BookAddict67 chapter 2 . 10/9/2014
OMG. This is great. And horrible, he lost his magic. No! But hey, that's one way to show your love for a guy.

Awwwwwwwwwwww! Please update soon! I legitimately am dying. I await for Drarry! ;)
BookAddict67 chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
Yes! This one! Drarry is beautiful and this fic has a ton of potential. Hmm, I wonder why the Potter is at his door.
HowlingRain chapter 2 . 10/7/2014
First off, the beginning of this had me laughing so hard! Seriously! First I was all worried about Harry, then I was like 'wait... did that just happen the way I think it did?' lol I read though it again and was like 'it did'. Anyway, enough of the 'and then I was like' stuff. I also really liked the spots where Draco figures out how bad Harry's injuries are and decides to give him all his magic, and I liked the spot where Harry is unconscious but sees the magic and has that vision. I'm not sure why, but the feels in those spots really got me, making me read it over a bunch of times, which I only do when something really hits me. One suggestion though, don't write 'line break' where you want a line break. Try using a series of symbols of even just a short line of 'X's to mark that. Reading 'line break' sort of interrupts the flow. Anyway, good job! I'm looking forward to reading more! :) Oh, and sorry for how long this got lol
CHS2BU chapter 2 . 10/5/2014
I quite like this. Hope Harry can get Draco healthy and get his magic back to him. Thanks for sharing your story :)