Reviews for heart breaker
BlazeFlower666 chapter 1 . 9/23/2016
omg! this story is so well written! its such an amazing story
The Last Deathly Guardian chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
Wow. I love your Akashi, always having that dark edge and menacing presence that the manga lacked. I was at the edge lf my seat, till the end. You left me conflicted. On one hand, Akashi is the bad guy, killing Kagami to get to Kuroko, on the other hand his reasons are to help Kuroko. Damn Akashi, why are you so complicated?!
R. A Cross chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
Wow, it is deliciously creepy! Being a yandere really suits Akashi.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
wish you would have continued
Whispering Mink chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
Just wanted to tell you that you are a true magician with words. If I could marry your stories, I would in a heartbeat!
Sincerly an admirer
Kat-Sakura chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
Poor tetsuya! I hope you'll write a follow up!
accccount noooo longer in use chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
"Dahlia-red delirium" - I freaking love that! Everything you say is so pretty. Anyway, yeah, I loved it. Messed up stuff like this is totally up my alley. Poor Kagami though, eh?
Hannah L-Sama chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Wow, that was great. I love your writing style, you describe everything beautifully, what a masterful manipulator Seijuro is, his mannerisms and movements/actions, how hopeless and powerless Kuroko is. Great imagery, liked your use of "Machiavellian", haha. But I loved the setting, the dialogue, the actions, everything, this was incredibly well done, dramatic, and deep. Nice job.
The Patchwork Rabbit chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Creepy, but wonderful.
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
Akashi-san you are mesed up!
hananotsuki hime chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
Flowers instead of beating organs…honey instead of blood…beating love…sounds like Kuroko is a sugar queen, rofl. That was great imagery though, I loved it! _ I love the expressions you have Akashi make in here, the description of his actions are great. I absolutely love this and could totally see this happening! _ Wow, Taiga flunked out of college and became a firefighter? Wow, that just sucks…but I get the feeling that is all Akashi’s fault. You write so well! OMG! This one shot is so wracked with descriptive emotion and tragic feelings. It makes my day…that sounds a little creepy for me to say in that way though, lol. Kuroko is working in a Kindergarten? That’s actually cute, lol. Wow, I absolutely LOVE your imagery! _ Machiavellian! I LOVE YOU! You used that word to describe Akashi! You are AWESOME! My fan girl jumped all over the walls for that one! Lol, this fic is one of the best I’ve read in a long time. The quality is so great. _ And you used CCTV, nice. This story has so many profoundly epic metaphors! He murdered Kagami?! Whoa, totally didn’t see that revelation coming, lol…sadly, it fits Akashi’s true character. Thank you for writing this fic, this was beautiful, thank you! _
FalseNet chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Somehow... the fic is like the sequel of 'the emperor's dilemma'... Bad Akashi. Good story. :)
lookingforanewworld chapter 1 . 6/15/2014
Akashi's words is so cool. How scary Akashi's style of word to persuade Kuroko.
Wonderful fic. Thank you for writing this
Psycho Nocturnal chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
This is twisted in a good way though
I love it so much, Thank you!
OrangeTabby101-DEACTIVATED chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
O_O that was some psychological deep shit right there...It rocked...
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