Reviews for No More Secrets
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9
i love this one so much!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24
made me cry, it was beautiful.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27
This was really well done.
lysen5972 chapter 1 . 5/4
I have read this story many times and i can say it is honestly one of the best i have ever read. It is true to the characters and brings out the mature and adult relationship Harry and Ginny have. It also shows their individual growth. Thank you for sharing this story on a difficult and often left aside topic in the Harry Potter series.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1
One of the best HarryPotter fanfics. The writer, to quote my friend who recommended me this " explains Hermione's faults without outright bashing her" . So great
xLynchiex chapter 1 . 2/6
this is really great, I love how authentically Ron and Hermione recognise their mistakes and accept them wholly, truly recognising they need to improve. and Ginny laying down that Harry doesn't need to tell them anything, as much as I love Harry telling them everything she's absolutely right. and I love that Harry's fantastic with the child victims! he absolutely would go out of his way with cases like these. I think you handled this spectacularly
Saskya chapter 1 . 2/3
Very well written story.
pix25 chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
Nice story
alternativeneem chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
I appreciated the gutsy subjective material. I’ve enjoyed reading a few of these Harry-Potter-as-a-grownup oneshots that offer us a glimpse of how the golden trio are doing as Aurors. This one did end up preachier than I would have liked, though.
If you liked this one, I also recommend Dudley’s Memories.
TrueRedDragonGodEmperor chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
I enjoyed your incorporation of domestic abuse into magical society and how magical individuals could still be abused. I can see how the concept of abuse would be a very touchy topic for Harry...since he was neglected, verbally, and physically abused as a child. I however do believe that some of the arguments that both Ron and Hermione made are logical and reasonable deductions. Harry's POV was not as objective as it should have been. While he did point out flaws in the arguments of Ron and Hermione...he also neglected to evaluate the evidence that would put holes in his own argument. I'm not saying that he was wrong and that he shouldn't have been upset with his friends for their disregard of the concept of domestic abuse but he disregarded their arguments without fully giving their arguments the do process they deserved. I personally can see how Ron and Hermione came to the conclusions that they originally came to. Hermione was in the right when she stated that Mrs Amara had other options to deal with her husband instead of using a killing curse. She could have stunned him which would have knocked him unconscious, she could have used a bludgeoning curse to throw him backwards, she could have disarmed him of the knife he held (expelliarmus has been shown to disarm the holder of all objects held in their hands), she could have summoned the knife away from him, she could have transformed the knife into something inane...there were innumerable options that she could have used to deal with her husband. It has also been shown that magic can be cast without the use of a wand or the need to speak. The wand acts as an additional catalyst to make the casting of spells easier but a wizard and witch are not powerless without their wands. Wandless magic has been shown several times in the series and Harry himself uses it at the beginning of book 5 in the alley with the dementers to light the end of his wand up when it was not in his hand. These concepts could have been used as an argument for Hermione to defend her POV. Additionally, Ron's concept of a child's magic defending them from injuries is not entirely incorrect. Its been shown several times in the series where underage magic has been used to save Harry and Neville from injury. Neville used it bounce when he was dropped out a window by his uncle and Harry has used it to apparate out of reach when he was being chased by Dudley's gang. I don't believe he should have been bewildered by Ron's assessment since it was partially correct. Instead he should have made the argument that underage magic is not always reliable to defend a child from being attacked. Additionally, a skilled wizard would most likely be able to overpower a child's underage magic. If these counterarguements had been used it would have added some depth in the story and shown that Hermione and Ron aren't being naive and bigots. I did however really enjoy the story...I am simply showing potential issues with Harry's POV.
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
9551832-Delete-account-please chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
How what good story it was an eye opener for them
RAVENCLAWDISTRICT1 chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
DEAR GOD, You just made me feel
Lucinda Hindle chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Thats a lovely story and proves that even Hermione can be wrong sometimes. Harry was just like I imagined, at first even I was angry that Harry pled a deal for Cathy murdering a muggle but the second he mentioned abuse I was angry at Hermione. The abuse was pretty much rational and I really liked the story. Ginny seemed really good and understanding as well.
Forestfire34720 chapter 1 . 6/28/2017
Okay, this was a really good story. It's not just fun and games, but showing the more serious sides of some wizard families, addressing problems that many (Muggles and wizards/witches) just never seem to see. I've never been abused myself, but I know and understand the seriousness of it. To see the fact that wizards and witches in HP probably never realized it just ticks me off. It's good that Harry's eyes were opened to it, and Ron's and Hermione's are now too.
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