Reviews for remember all the words I said
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1
No, I think this is in keeping more with Oliver's character. He does have the capacity to go dark, and Felicity is one of the few people who keep him tethered. Brava.
blugrl320 chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Why?! I am in tears right now as I'm writing this! The emotions ripped through me as I read the story. It's so tragic and heart wrenching but I could actually picture everything in my head with the shows characters. It was so well written and captured the characters pretty well. Awesomely, sad story but I really liked it!
kiwifan13 chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
You have written such a beautifully tragic story. It had me in floods of tears (I am being literal here, and I am not one who is prone to shed tears at all). I can picture what is happening so vividly, and imagine what will happen next.
Taytayanz chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
The saddest part isn't her dying. It's Oliver talking to Felicity in his sleep/ coma thing. It's easier to die than be left behind.
shit was good chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
that was some good shit man good job u done good
Toodles147 chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
That was just "WOW"
Sarah401 chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
I really love all of your stories very much! But this one managed to bring forth immense grief. You maintained character and showed us what might happen if Oliver lost Felicity.
Truly wonderful.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
This is the upteenth time I have read this story and it still makes me cry. It brings out so much emotion it's unbelievable. Fantastic writing
perspectivesinpaper chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
From your parting words in this story I dont believe that you truly understand the emotion that your writing bring out in people. How strongly your words reach out and affect your readers. Because really.

Your words do. You do. And for that I thank you.
Samantha2611 chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
That was beautiful.
witchgirl chapter 1 . 10/18/2015
you are special...This story is of all fanfictions i have ever much emotion...omg...i think i am cryin...pls continue writing arrow fics...pls
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2015
I cried so much reading these two stories :'(
TigerCritic chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
I'm a huge felicity fan, so reading this destroyed me. It's 5 am I haven't sleep on 2 days and I'm sobbing over this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I hate this story..both of its parts... I cry every time I read it and still I cannot seem to stop reading it, I cannot stop because it's heartbreaking and wonderfully written and so real even if none of it is real, because in a world where people kill each other for no reason where families betray each other and themselves, it makes me think that maybe just maybe there's still this kind of love out there...this love that is all consuming and powerful that it saves people even if in the end it destroys them. So yeah I hate this story because it's tragic and just fiction and I cry every time I read it but I wanted to say,it's perfect. And unforgettable.
EpicNuby chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
Great Story. I just feel like there is a last chapter missing!
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