Reviews for I'm Back Again
Titi chapter 31 . 8/16
Great chapter! Can't wait to know what happens next
daughterofthechief chapter 31 . 8/15
Great work as always! I always feel so happy to get the notification that you've updated. Hope you're staying well and thanks very much for the new chapter xx
ebookie327 chapter 31 . 8/12
Always look forward to another chapter! I feel like I have to re-read the whole thing, both storieswhich is fine by me! I would love to read your personal work.
anonymouscsifan chapter 31 . 8/11
Hmm...her dream wasn't of Legolas? Interesting! I think Bard might like her and his kids are already seeing her as a maternal figure- even if she can't cook. I can't wait to see Legolas show up and I wonder if there might be some competing...I look forward to your next update...I hope you update real soon!
Lacrea Moonlight chapter 31 . 8/11
Your writing is well done and I really have enjoyed it. Keep up the fantastic work! Looking forward to the next chapter!
DarkChild26 chapter 30 . 6/21
... Considering what tools they have available not technology, that was the wrong word.
ebookie327 chapter 30 . 6/17
I love this story, my dear. Truly. I’m so glad you’ve stuck with it all these years. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy, and that you take care of your wellbeing. I look forward to your next update. I hope it is soon but no pressure from meI just love this story and I’m invested in how this turns out. I love the time travel twist you’ve given to my favorite characters and stories, and I’m so excited to see where you take it. Your skill in writing has grown so much over the years. I only found the first story (I didn’t ask for this) the other day and as I’m recovering from a surgery, and can’t do much else, I’ve been bingeing on that story and this one. I didn’t have to wait like others for chapters, until now, and I will patiently wait for this to continue. I hope you do! Good luck and again stay safe ️
ebookie327 chapter 6 . 6/17
I love this ! I’m getting MAJOR wibbly wobbly timey wimey vibes from this and I am OBSESSED!
ebookie327 chapter 2 . 6/16
I have to remember to go back and review the prequel for this because I was wayyyyyy too excited to get started on this story right away that I forgot! I love the twist you’re giving us with her being from her future but going into ME’s past after having already been there. I’m so excited to see how this turns out! I think your writing has only grown stronger and that’s very evident. ️
rodriguezh4 chapter 30 . 5/8
You are doing amazing. Ive been reading since the very first book and I love your writing so much. My dad nearly lost his head when the chapter ended and I screamed "NOOO, MOOORE PLEASEEEE" haha lets just say he was less than pleased. I know you might feel pressured to get the chapters out but remember you are not a robot and sometimes we have to remember that ourselves. Take the time you need to write and only send out the chapter when you are ready and happy with it. Also I like how Little Bird is growing and Legolas. Also Im curious to see if she and the king have anymore interactions. Im also curious how if she met him in the past, why didn't he know her in the future when she met him for the first time?
anonymouscsifan chapter 30 . 5/4
I was so happy to see you had updated!I wonder if Bard is going to develop a little crush on Wynter...boy would that be interesting to see a little bit of a love triangle there and a little animosity between the guys LOL. I look forward to more! Please update again soon if you can. I hope you are staying safe!
RandomR15 chapter 30 . 5/4
Thanks for the update. Please stay healthy and safe.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/4
Oh I hope things go better for lake town.
Lacrea Moonlight chapter 30 . 5/3
This chapter seems to be pretty much on par with what I would expect from Wynter, so don't fret! And I understand your situation. I work in customer service at a health insurance company and I was actually diagnosed as positive for COVID-19. I'm recovering and since I work from home normally, my going back to work doesn't create an issue for my co-workers now that I'm working again. But be assured that I can understand your delays in completing the coming chapters. I'm considered an essential worker too, so I understand. Stay healthy and safe! Looking forward to the next chapter!
animefreak112097 chapter 30 . 5/3
happy you updated. looking forward to more
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