Reviews for How 'Quiet Minds' should have ended
siren8484 chapter 1 . 7/19
I completely agree. If Hook can live why not Baelfire?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
This was good
MartyMcFlyJr chapter 7 . 5/6/2016
This is good. Reading this I realized why ouat decided to kill of Neal. Hook is so, so boring, that if Neal lived there would be no place for their darling hook in the show at all! Neal is all that's interesting about this show. Neal IS the story. You just proved it in this great fanfiction. THIS is how it shouod have ended. There is plenty of room for adventure, plenty of room for Rumple to make the "wrong" decisions in order to protect his family. It's so much more fun to read about or to watch Neal adjust to his family than it is to watch hook blunder around looking creepy and brooding and boringly typical of teen bad-boy Gilmore Girls Jesse kind of dumb "love" story
Ghostwriter chapter 7 . 4/26/2016
Wonderful job. Love it. Awesome story.
KingKage73 chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
i loved this story and I was wondering when you think the sequel will be out
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 2 . 3/13/2015
wow, what a deep rant you had there...
Well true to be told i do agree with your reasoning about Captain Hook and Neal
they we're really an opposite of each other
and please don't forget, because of Hook that Bae lost his mother and now he lost his love and son to him as well?
and yet he never hold a grudge against Hook, and he even sacrifice himself for Emma with the last one being his death
while Hook only sacrifice his ship,really? where justice when you need it...

face it they will not gonna work
it was like you're kissing your ex-boyfriend step-father

anyway love your story
Moma bear Emma Swan chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
beautiful! loved the Henry/Neil reunion even though Henry doesn't remember him,
A.E. Clipson chapter 6 . 2/2/2015
Excellent work.
A.E. Clipson chapter 5 . 2/2/2015
I think you meant 'dalliance novels' (Mills & Boone, et al.); but I take your meaning. As usual, your story merges seamlessly with the original.
A.E. Clipson chapter 7 . 1/15/2015
Put all these ideas into action; but I think the Water of Wonderland is not really meant to cure illnesses, and that its sentinel 'Nyx' shall refuse it to Charles and Leia. Introducing Sinbad and Marina is your best idea yet; and you might include even the animated constellations (Cetus, Aquila, and Scorpio all appear in the film) as structures supporting the magical worlds (as in 'Dragons of Autumn Twilight', wherein the constellations represent gods). I recommend leaving Galahad out; let Arthur's kingdom have disintegrated before the Ogre Wars, and let this account for the near-anarchy of the Enchanted Forest.
A.E. Clipson chapter 4 . 1/15/2015
Well done. I don't like to see Snow and Regina reconcile (for although Regina is, in all versions of her own story, an incompetent villain, she is not placable); but the rest is almost flawless.
A.E. Clipson chapter 3 . 1/15/2015
I call this an especially-good addition joined seamlessly to the original; "I cannot tell them apart". I think you might have rightly elongated the description of Ariel & Eric re-united, though.
A.E. Clipson chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
Let's remember that Killian half-orphaned Baelfire, and thus made easier the spinner's transformation into a Dark One; and that therefore, Killian is the arch-villain of the whole story. I recommend, though, that Henry be slightly more reluctant to befriend his father, or that Emma be longer persuading him otherwise, just to account for a dozen years of Neal-bashing. Let them be inseparable thereafter; but let the trouble come, first. Let Henry expose Killian's past, too; it might be an easy way to get rid of him.
A.E. Clipson chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Keep this up.
sudoku chapter 7 . 12/25/2014
I finished reading it. Well done. I love the fact that Neal suggested Robin to help instead of Hook.
His willingness to die to let Emma home is very apparent here. Poor Neal!
I hope you write the sequel.

I need to log out because I have "reviewed" this chapter.
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