Reviews for The Temptations of a Roth Matriarch
JP-Ryder chapter 10 . 7/7/2019
duskrider chapter 9 . 2/18/2019
Best of luck to you and happy trails.
MacMan3679 chapter 2 . 11/13/2017
Hmmm, Logan's? Let me guess, named after the proprietor, Garfield Mark Logan, I presume?
emeraldwolf1997 chapter 8 . 12/29/2016
I love this story! I hope that you update soon!
SuperWG chapter 5 . 8/15/2016
Oooh, this is getting interesting. I usually wouldn't care to read about raven and her mom having a mother daughter talk, but I can't wait to see this one!
LeMarX chapter 8 . 6/1/2016
Hahaha, bb as her dad! ;)
Wade98 chapter 8 . 4/4/2016
ROFLMAO, Happy is just perfect.
Wade98 chapter 6 . 4/4/2016
Lol, of course Beast Boy would love the show Psych. Have you ever thought about writing a Psych story?
greenwolf122697 chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
love this story can't wait for the next chapter!
The information chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
love it but is that all of the chapters in this
IAMEVERYWOMAN chapter 8 . 1/7/2015
I like this story, but this relationship with Arella and Garfield is going to end badly. They don't love each they lust for each other. I think Arella sees Mark in Garfield and I think Garfield sees Raven in Arella. I don't mind Garfield harem because I am a open person. I also don't mind the older woman and younger man thing, but this may be going a little too far. First of all, Garfield is sixteen! Now if he was eighteen or above this will be fine. Second, I do not like to see bad blood between Raven and Garfield. Now if Rachel and Garfield had a brother and sister relationship this will be different. But they don't. I would like to see a Red X or Red Hood pair for Rachel. I also don't like to see Rachel and Arella having a good relationship. Rachel needs to apologizing to Garfield for the slap in Tokyo though and being rude to him. I hope you do some more Arella and Garfield stories because you converted me to this couple. I would like to see like a neighbor story, a student and teacher relationship, a romantic rendezvous story, Alpha CEO boss and single mom secretary, and other ideas that you can come up with. By the way, I don't like BB/Terra and Rob/Rae stories. Its probably because Robin and Raven have a brother and sister relationship, and Terra and Beastboy betrayal incident was the last straw for me.
Insane Wise-man chapter 8 . 1/8/2015
Haha nice one
Raven is acting more mature than I would expect
Is Raven still have a crush on BB? I didn't get that part
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
I like this story
Fan Fan Fiction chapter 8 . 12/30/2014
I have to write my review again because it did not show up the first time. Anyway, I really like this story. Hey this can be a trilogy out of this. The end of the story is that Aeralla and Garfield confess their love to each other. Everybody knows this except Raven. Raven finds out on her birthday. She overhears them and is extremely hurt. Later, Raven apologized to everyone about her behavior, and everyone forgives her. All of a sudden Raven pours her heart out to Beastboy and tells Aeralla how much she always wanted to be like her and she crying while saying this. Now, everybody is worried about and then she tells them she knows about the forbidden relationship. Then Raven either leaves in her brand new car or jumps off the T tower (but does not die just disappear). The teen titans and Aeralla are shocked and feeling really bad, especially two people.
The second story starts out Raven leaving as a brokenhearted woman. She hears Trigon voice in her head. Trigon is planning to take over the world. Raven knows she has to destroy Trigon and for good this time. Since she left the titans the only people she can go to is her brothers (look on dcwiki on Rachel’s profile and their names are listed). Anyway, she finds and teams up with her brothers to defeat Trigon. Rae’s brothers are tired of Trigon using them for his plans. So on this adventure, they meet Jinx and Jinx agrees to help them. So Raven tells her brother and Jinx about what happen at the tower. Jinx and her brothers are floored about what she is telling them. So they tell Rae tell write about her feelings and take a good at herself. During the journey. Raven takes a good look at herself and she learns about loving herself, others, and forgiveness. In the end, Jinx, Rae’s brothers, and Raven defeat Trigon. Raven decides to be a writer to help people about heartache and betrayal.
Now, we have the third story setting about ten years later after the first story. Raven is a successful writer under a false name. However, Raven has disease that can kill her. Only Jinx and her brothers knows about her condition. Well, Rachel has a special reading at a Logan’s to an engaged couple. Garfield and Aeralla are the couple. So Raven goes ahead to do the reading, bit promise herself not to come back to Jump City. After the read, Raven heads out to Logan’s but passes out. Rachel’s wig falls off of her head and everyone knows that it is Rachel. Rachel is taken to the hospital and wakes up with the titans, her mother, Jinx, and her brothers in the room. Aeralla is crying for joy after her daughter wakes up. The doctor comes in and tells everyone that Raven has a deadly disease and she can die any minute now. Aeralla demands Rachel to stay at tower until they discover a cure for her. Raven says yes but only if Jinx and her brothers visit her. The titans agree to this. Raven acts friendlier and nicer to everybody even though she does not agree with the engagement. Garfield has become very aware of this, and is falling for Rachel again. Rachel still have feelings for Garfield but has kept them to herself. Overtime Aeralla and Garfield are torn apart. Garfield thinks that Aeralla is marrying him because he looks like his father, and Aeralla is wondering the same thing. This result ends with Aeralla and Garfield breaking up, but are on good terms. In the end, Aeralla sacrifice her life so her daughter can live. Before she dies, Aeralla tells Rachel to tell Garfield about how she feels about him and to treat him right. In the end, Rachel and Garfield get married and have kids. The kids are named after their parents, except for Trigon.
So this is my suggestion for you, and Happy New Year.
damir2 chapter 7 . 1/1/2015
please continu
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