Reviews for Second Chances
Munkeyfump20 chapter 11 . 1/3/2017
Cliff hanger again why do you writers love cliff hangers but thanks for a very good read but I think it still has potential for some more chapters
Fiinalen chapter 11 . 12/26/2016
I just read the chapters 1-11 and I have liked the story so far. It has been such a happy and comforting story and I am looking forward to updates.
jens44 chapter 11 . 12/23/2016
Just found and read this story. I would love to see you finish it. These stories help keep these great characters alive.
lis chapter 11 . 12/11/2016
Just read all chapters. Loving this story I hope you continue with it.
JJ chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Yes, you did it. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Very good read. There are some practical difficulties in adapting/foster care at that age and being agents in charge of the case. Hopefully everything works out fine. Thanks for the update and not abandoning this story.
Abha89 chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Wonderful. Can't wait to find out what's in the store for them. Can understand Lisbon's fear when she has her own fear of failing her brothers. But it could be blessing in disguise too. Hope you update soon. thanks for the update.
LouiseKurylo chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Their idea makes emotional sense ... but I'm not so sure about the practicalities. Under normal circumstances, foster care systems might require prospective foster parents to attend an orientation/training program. In the interests of a stable environment, CPS would likely be interested in how long Lisbon and Jane were together, that they aren't married, and that both work full time for the FBI. (Since Eli is school age, that might not be a big problem. He'd be in school when they were at work, for the most part.) If Eli has any relatives willing and able to care for him, they might come into the picture - though it doesn't seem like there are concerned relatives in contact with Eli from your story. Finally, foster care systems often try hard to help parents remedy their dysfunction and eventually reunite with their children. If Dalton gets out of prison in a few years, he could still have parental rights. Even the possibility of Eli returning to a formerly (still?) abusive father would tear Lisbon and Jane apart... Looking forward to the story unfold.
FandomObsessedGirl1 chapter 10 . 8/5/2016
Just found this and loving it so far! I really hope you haven't abandoned it and that you update soon!
Guest chapter 10 . 2/5/2016
Hey, it's been a while since your last update. I really like your story so far, so can you pot more? Please?

Jane and Lisbon should end up adopting Eli.
MissDonniex chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
don't know how I missed reading this story...this is so good. I want to study your writing in hopes that my stories don't look so, for a better word, stupid. Again, can't wait to read more, and you really know your characters. DL
MyHeartIsAnApple chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
The "time to go home" at the end was beautiful. I read all the chapters together tonight and this ff is amazing,one thing that I regret the most about The Mentalist is that we haven't had these journeys in the past of Jane and Lisbon, especially because they were so meaningful,but this story is so credible and the characters are so IC that it's like watching all of this, like it has really happened. I love Jane's affection toward Eli, it's very sweet, I'm curious to see where this story will go. Thank you very much for it.
t3l4m0n chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
That was really sweet at the end. I just read it in one go and I gotta say it's time for some of Jane's manipulations to shine xD Especially if it leans towards Jane getting custody (if I'm reading that right). I'mma be mad if it doesn't go his way xD We know it always goes his way in the end, plus it would be a good way to heal himself fully perhaps. His talks with Lisbon can only go so far, in regards to his wife she can handle that but when it comes to his daughter.. Only taking care of another child would do it.

Not as replacements, but more as moving on. He would of course be helping Eli as well, which I'm guessing will be the majority of the next chapters alongside his own healing with his interactions with the kid.

Thanks for the story, keep up the awesome writing and I'll be waiting for more :]

Have a nice day (:
LouiseKurylo chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
Very much like this chapter the direction you're heading. Jae's no longer obsessed with Red John and has come a long way toward putting the trauma of his family's murders to rest (or at least firmly in the past). Once Jane and Lisbon started talking about their pasts it would bring up a great deal that had been subsumed by those other events and obsessions. How can Jane not be sympathetic to a boy who reminds him of himself? How can he feel any way other than wanting to "save" a six year old(!) from the rootless, sometimes awful foster care system? Be interesting to see you develop this, and especially how the issue affects the dynamic between Lisbon and Jane. I'm so glad you got back to this story.
Vinividivinci chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
Very nice. I love the idea of Jane taking in his boy. I also think Teresa would eventually be okay with it. If there's anything she knows, it's how to raise little boys! And since Eli is like Jane, she already has some experience. Great job and please update soon!
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