Reviews for Burials -- Unearthed
Zachary Davis1 chapter 27 . 9/10/2019
I do hope u manage to get the inspiration to continue\finish this fic i am throughly sucked into it and enjoying the interaction the characters are having with each other. Good luck
CGNightcore chapter 27 . 8/12/2019
Hey, just a few words from one of ur longest readers.
I started reading thic fic about a week before u published the last chapter of burials. It was the best fanfiction i'd ever read, and it still is. When i read the ending, i literally cried. You have no idea how mad i was, and how amazed i was at what a good story you had crafted, to make me, a macho preteen, douchebag, cry. (Ffn was my dirty secret hobby back then.)
Today, i came across this fanfiction again, years and years later. I saw the title had changed, and new chapters were here, so i geniunely almost threw water out of my nose when i saw that.
Now i sit as a bearded 17 year old, feeling the same thing again. Incredible mix of frustration at the lack of ending, and incredible gratitude for the work you put into this thing, that i get to enjoy for free.
The reason im writing this review is not however to tell you how great this story is, 380 others have probably done this before me. Im simply hoping that knowing what an impact your story had on a 12-13 year old, for him to remember a story for 4 years after he finished it, only to come back and reread it when he found out you had not given up on this, even though i remembered the majority of the story, will motivate you to finish it. I dont know what life has thrown at you or if you even open this website anymore, but if you read this, i cannot express my thanks for writing something so goddamn beatifull, and i cannot express how much i wish you would finish this story. I do not wish to draw your attention to me, i seek no reply. I simply hope you will find it in you to finish this story. If nothing else, for a random man's sanity, cuz honestly u've kept me in a cliffhanger for like 4 years and im kinda salty about it at this point.
I dont know ur plans but this story feels so close to finishing. So damn close. But its been sitting here for 3 years, it seems. Ive seen and remembered and read and reread this story for 4 years, and there are a thousand people like me who have been following for ages. I may sound selfish, bht PLEASE finish it if you can find the heart to do so. If you wish to contact me i'd even offer to help you in any way i can, even if im an inferior writer. My email is .
Thanks for everything dude, and i really hope you finish this, this story is a damn work of art that needs a good closure so bad.
Harvest and Requiem chapter 27 . 8/9/2019
I need moreA conclusion most fitting for this wonderfully made story. I understand how hard it is to write, especially with the current lore of the game, but please don't give up!Harvest
Harvest and Requiem chapter 10 . 5/16/2019
Oh dear Kat that was really baaaaad
- Harvest
Anrha chapter 27 . 2/21/2019
I just wanted to let you know I adored this entire fic. I don't know if you still get notifications for this but I loved every bit of your writing on this. Thank you.
guardian-V chapter 27 . 4/6/2018
Um...hi...i just wanted to say that this was a fantastic fanfic and I enjoyed reading all of it (in 2 days) and hope that you continue it some day : )
Haruzaki chapter 27 . 3/6/2018
This fanfic has been one of the most polished and excellent displays of good writing. Alas I am saddened that it hasn't been finished. I really do hope the story would reach it's conclusion soon
Guest chapter 27 . 3/2/2018
I've followed this fic since the very beginning. I hope it'll be finished someday
For Spite chapter 2 . 8/11/2017
Interesting start. Katarina and Riven must have really stuck in each other's minds to still remember one another seven months later.

I looked up Riven's splash for her reforged sword. It looks different depending on her skin, but if we're looking at the default one it looks a bit like someone took a standard two handed curved chopping sword and made it too large to wield.

Like a gigantic, stylized version of the sword on this youtube video: 8PQiaurIiDM
(Just replace the video ID after v on any youtube video to get there).
That's not the only sword of that kind I've seen it was just the first example I could find easily.
Liryda chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
and it just... ends.. ? ._.
Guest chapter 27 . 7/6/2017
Missing this fic so much :c
Guest chapter 27 . 6/14/2017
Missing this fic so much :c
Guest chapter 27 . 5/4/2017
Plis continueeeeeeeeee :c
Sphinxes chapter 25 . 4/29/2017
This story came up in a discussion over on SV. While I know nothing about League of Legends, I am really glad to find this excellent work.
SentenRainen chapter 27 . 4/26/2017
This was very good. Thank you for writing it.
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