Reviews for Heatstroke
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
This was good! And I actually really like Spain topping.
Akatori chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Yes we do need more SpUk in our life...
It was cute
Yoshiya: Her brain can't say anything more constructive right now...
But I wanted to write a review to... make you happy and tell you I enjoyed your story ? ('Cause I know that if even I am happy for having a review, then others... well anyway, thanks)
Mi-chan Kizanami chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Aww that's adorable xD
It's nice to find a cute spuk story
(Since most fic invovle this pair are almost always about pirate era and England rape spain)
Love how England's had a moment of clarity, give Spain a heat kiss and said what he want before suddenly faint in spain's arm xDD
kittykatrocks12 chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Poor England suffered a heatstroke but damn it was worth it.

I need more of this to but with England on top

Romano will be upset when he finds out they left the tomatoes in the sun
lil'storm chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Very cute and very lovely. Such a sweet moment, did it have to end so soon? Amazing story! I need more Spuk in my life. :D
hetebro chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Ah, the fluff in this is SO adorable! I love Spain and England as a pairing to no end, it's almost a shame that they're such a unpopular pairing. Yet you wrote their relationship in a really really really bloody cute way, so thank you so much. I'm fangirling on the inside so much right now.

And yet, the kiss wasn't what appealed to me most. You wrote that scene in the most beautiful manner though. However, what I really appreciate was that nice, warm, summer sort of atmosphere you gave this fanfiction. It was gorgeous. Captivating, even. That's what I try to aim for in my fics, but I tend to go off track most of the time!

I'll be sure to follow in your steps. You're an amazing writer, and I'd love to see more Spain/England fics from you. You write the two in the most precious way. So innocent and perfect.

I loved this fic more than I would have expected, so thanks for writing it!
Himitsu Saijou chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
You did a great job on this one, Neechan. :) I really love this fanfic! The fluff in this fanfic almost made my heart melt. Great job!

P.S. I am a guy, by the way.
MadOwlNekoCat chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
ermergerd... I don't evennnnnn it's beautiful
Sabilandako chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
Hahaha so you're back again... And together with you is your plan for fandom domination. :P
But really, I was planning on leaving you a message; begging you to show your ass back up here on this fandom, but alas, our wifi router broke...
AND DIOS MIO, SpUK! Just. What. The. Actual. SpUkery... (*Have I told you yet that I love you and that you should really pursue the domination plan?*)
hethetli chapter 1 . 5/30/2014
x3 I love it
ThePrussianCross chapter 1 . 5/30/2014
me gusta!