Reviews for Time Enough
Alaster Boneman chapter 1 . 6/5/2014
you know that I only watched Course oblivion all they way though once I my entire life and that was when then show was first airing down hear in OZ. to this day I have never not even when I watched a have had a star trek mearpone seen all the way though since that day. I always skip it because this episode was one the true heat backing ones. you have perfectly recreated that experience in this flic and I bow to your glories dark weighting. hail to the Queen my long be your rain.
all I can will say in the end is this. well done and thank you.
Yours Alaster Boneman
ps update The Silver Bird please
Laura Schiller chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Actually the duplicate Chakotay dies in the middle of an argument with Janeway, trying to convince her one last time to turn the ship around. Aside from that one detail,though, you've captured the episode perfectly - desperation, fury, last words and all.
cojack chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Wow. Another amazing imaginative story. I particularly liked Seven's insight at the end. Our solace is that in the canon timeline (and all the relevant AUs in the C/7 community), Chakotay and Seven don't postpone for too long...
scifiromance chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Now why would I, of all people, complain about this pairing?! LOL. I'm one of their biggest shippers! :) I'll also admit to having an idea along these lines myself when watching 'Course Oblivion' but it never has come together fully in my mind. After reading this, I'm really glad I never wrote it, it never could've been as good as this! :) The frank, in character, initial conversation between them, which even dealt perfectly with the awkward idea that Chakotay likes Seven because she's a bit like Janeway, only less damned frustrating, and then the neural link! That was amazingly done! :) And they were linked when he died! )': I kind of wish that she had pummelled Janeway, or that Chakotay had lost it totally with her after Naomi died, but it suited them perfectly that they just couldn't do it.

WELL DONE and thanks for writing! :D 'Course Oblivion' really was such a gutsy episode for them to do, one of Voyager's best, tragic or not.
