Reviews for Harry Potter a different life
zero fullbuster chapter 20 . 7/17
love it.
please write more soon.
dennisdaugherty1962 chapter 20 . 5/8
Please update soon I love this story
jackmylad 2 chapter 1 . 1/31
Just so you know the letters started at me a week before Harry's birthday
FrikFrakTikTak chapter 4 . 1/25
Okay, so this is going to be long-winded, but hang on; there, they’re, and their have different meanings. There is referring to a place, such as ‘Billy is over there, by the playhouse’ or ‘I will tell you when we get there’. Their is referring to a possession, such as ‘I will not take the candy, it is theirs’ or ‘Their house is really nice’. They’re is an abbreviation of they are and is referring to a person, such as ‘They’re so cute!’ or ‘They’re taking the dog too’.

I have also noticed that you are capitalizing random words, so I’ll give you something to remember what to capitalize.
Months- capitalize the beginning of months, like January, or October
I- if there is an I standing alone, capitalize it
Names- make sure to capitalize the names of pets, people, and places
Titles- you also need to capitalize titles, such as ‘Supreme Mugwump’ or ‘Minister of Magic’
Sentence- I know you’ve already got this down, but capitalize the beginning of sentences
So if you’re having trouble with capitalization, remember MINTS
Novum Arkilum chapter 3 . 5/12/2019

Sorry about that but it’s such one or things that annoys me to no end, unless it’s something like Harry changing gender, there really isn’t really any reason to change his name at all.
Starryeyes98 chapter 20 . 4/30/2019
Please please update
yupimstillhere chapter 12 . 1/18/2019
It’s through not thru. I know it’s confusing but the American language is weird and I’ve lived here my entire life. Love the story though!
britanycoops23 chapter 1 . 12/16/2018
is this george or ginny Weasley?
lschierer chapter 3 . 11/1/2018
"there must be a reason I'm sure were going to find out" s/were/we're/
"except you betray us than go to hell Peter" - "except if you betray us then go to hell Peter"
"Harry I swear I didnt knew about this. I mean yes they asked IF I would but I didnt thought they would do it." - "Harry I swear I didn't know about this. I mean yes they asked IF I would but I didnt think they would do it."

and numerous others. It is making the story almost unreadable.
alexisjem chapter 20 . 8/23/2018
histoire intéressante à quand la suite
tony91 chapter 20 . 1/3/2018
Wish this was complete!
Destineyofme chapter 20 . 12/3/2017
please write more someday
Wendi Jo Harper chapter 20 . 4/16/2017
I see you haven't written this in quite some time. I should very much live to adopt this world from you.
B.arendes chapter 20 . 4/4/2017
cool story with an interesting story line can't wait for more
sbmcneil chapter 9 . 3/28/2017
These people are way too accepting of everything. No one is angry or upset, the first thing the parents do is ask the children they haven't see to help the others - that might cause some issues. James and Lily have just won worst parents of the year - their son wants to bring a deadly animal into the house and their response is ok.
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