Reviews for Leda and the Swan
Morgana chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
Please update soon, is there gonna be more Sephiroth/Tifa scenes it's like you skipped ahead with Sephiroth and fast forward to the other this fic though love the friendship between Tifa and Loz and anything to do with Vincent and Tifa
PurplePrincess chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
I lost count at how many times I have re read this fic please update. I really miss this fic.
Sofistinha chapter 6 . 11/7/2016
So much for my happy ending huh? T-T

I was SO FREAKING EAGER for this promised super explosive lemon coming up.

But I guess it's a hopeless case, since you seem to have left this story unfinished.

Sadness takes hold of me right now for knowing this masterpiece it's left unfinished.
T-T I feel like crying. I really do.
This is one of the best fics out here and it's left off.
I felt touched in so many ways.
Such a tender yet dark and real feeling.
They felt real to me. the whole story did.
Your story had everysingle thing a GREAT story needs: great characterization, thick and interesting plotline, good cliffhangers and your writing is so freaking nice and easy. I'm really sad.

I hope you'll come back someday and finish what you've started.
I'll be forever waiting!
Thank you for sharing.
Sofistinha chapter 3 . 11/7/2016
I'm glued to this story! I'm hooked, really! I'm anxious for what's to come. This is fullfiling.

I felt all the pain and humiliation Tifa endured. All that feeling of powerlessness and shame and disgust that Vincent Felt.

That touch you added of Vincent's inner demons fueling his emotions and desires (of love, lust, despair, rage and so on) was PRICELESS. Really. Thank you.

The ending made me fall for them. I hope they trully find comfort on each other. and not just that. Not just comfort. absolutely and pure love in all kind of ways.

Thank you for sharing this masterpiece.

Sorry for any mistakes I may have made about my writing as english isn't my motherlanguage (portuguese is).
Sofistinha chapter 2 . 11/7/2016
O.O I'm ...dumbfounded.
This was touching in many ways. Some good and kind ways as for the adorable short lived post apocalyptic hope moment... Some twisted and sad and sick ways too, as for Seph's maniacal and sadistic manners.

I appreciated it very much. Really.
I love mature stories with mature writing and mature plotline/content... such as your one.

Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to suffer with Tifa while on Seph's iron grip.

And Bring the VxT sweetness on! I'll go check your profile for some of sweet goodness!
VxT and SxA were always my main pairings regarding FFVII universe.
Morgana chapter 6 . 6/27/2015
Please update soon, is there going to be more Sephiroth and Tifa? I'm loving the Vincent and Tifa side though.
Razell chapter 6 . 6/14/2015
Aw, Loz and a puppy! : )

He's such a sweet guy, he just has some awful relatives. He just does what they tell him, he's not mentally strong enough or confident enough to challenge them in anything. I hope they don't do anything to that puppy, it might just drive Loz over the edge. Of course, I doubt he could lay a finger on Sephiroth, but he'd make an interesting ally for our heroes, if they could get over his heritage.

Poor Reno, he finally falls in love, but she doesn't love him back. And he has to work with her current lover to try to save what's left of the world.

What about 'Mother'? Is she still dead/inactive whatever the Hell she was? Jenova is an adaptable creature. I assume Sephiroth already cut off her head, but she could probably find/make a new body. I don't think that would bode well for anyone but her and Sephiroth, even the Remnants are just tools.
Sophia chapter 6 . 8/5/2014
I'm glad you're back, I apologise for not reviewing the past couple of chapters. I enjoyed reading this chapter a lot.
I'm happy to hear there are more people than originally thought in the rebellion against Sephiroth, usually I hope he lives at the end of every other story I've read but in this I'll be glad to see a bloody gore filled ending. You take his character to the extreme as a villian and it's excitingly different if a tad unnerving. He's a sadistic evil bastard and I can't wait to see him rot.

I can't stop thinking about Loz and Tifa's conversation though, I thought it was so sweet that he wants the warmth and comfort of family love and the bonds it brings. His reaction to the puppy was one of the most cutest moments ever, animals really do bring about happy and loving feelings and it's one of the most precious bonds you'll ever experience.
I liked the surprise of Vincent's visit at the end, god knows the two deserve a bit happiness and peace.
Morgana chapter 5 . 6/26/2014
I will start off by saying I like your style of writing, and I like where you are going with it. I loved the Vincent/Tifa in this chapter very hot. Please don't keep the fic on hiatus for to long I look forward to your next update.
JessicaJ chapter 2 . 6/23/2014
Ok, firstly some minor points for improvement:

Minutes, not Minuets, and watch the way you use your/you're. Remember, youare :-)

ground, not grinded.

Overall comments - I'm struggling to pick out a plot line. Your chapters seem a little short and should centre around the introduction, development and/or completion of an idea or concept, or person.
JessicaJ chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
Ok, so I've popped over to this after your left your kind reviews on my stories.

This could develop into an interesting take on the FFVII universe- it's got the potential to be very dark (though I do wonder if you really needed to put spoilers in your warnings?)

I'm struggling to follow it at the moment- Why would "our band of heroes" work for Sephiroth in these authoritative roles? Why would they comply? Also, some small things to watch like possessive apostrophes missing in people's names, and also just watch that you don't literally type how you might say it in a real conversation. This page is your mother fucking canvas, and you can own it bitch.

Morgana chapter 4 . 6/20/2014
I liked the bonding between Tifa and Vincent, it was enjoyable to read them comforting each other. I did like the childish behaviour of Loz portrayed here, and it was a nice goodbye between Barret, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel. I look forward to seeing more Tifa/Sephiroth and Tifa/Vincent . Update soon
PurplePrincess chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
I enjoyed this chapter, please update soon. I like how you are developing the bond between TifaxVincent. I also how you portrayed Loz wanting to be affectionate with Tifa. Can't wait to read more.
Flowersoflight chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
I'm all caught up, I love this fic and your writing style. Please update soon, is there gonna be some LozxTifa? I'm interested to what how you continue the SephirothxTifa relationship, and I love the VincentxTifa relationship. Your great please write more soon.
Sophia chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
You did a great job writing the aftermath of the previous scene, and I liked how you explained how Vincent and Tifa's relationship first started out. The way they comfort each other is very natural and doesn't seem wrong so your doing a really good job with this.

Loz has always been more different from the other remnants, more emotional and childish.
I thought it was a good thing that Tifa at least got to see the kids one last time before they leave.

I'm curious about how your going about the training Vincent and Tifa will be doing to become part of the soldiers Sephiroth wants.
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