Reviews for Never the Easy Thing
sumbu pendek chapter 1 . 4/12/2016




First they're make my fall then crush my heart so easily #imbeingmasochistcozmyOTP
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
OMFG I'm in tears ahhhh why you must hurt me this way -sobs- THIS IS GOLD!
CastielNovak1 chapter 2 . 6/16/2014
I cried... and I went on to YouTube and got the song up and I'd pause and play it, depending on which part of the story I was at, and sing along to the music. I loved it, but it needs more... You need to add more to this story! I demand compensation! You should totally put Tetsu and Kagami-kun together, and make it so that Tetsu slowly forgets about his love for Aomine-kun and grows to love Kagami-kun instead. Please, I beg of you to do that for me... Please!
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
Q A Q It's not fair. Why do they always have to sacrifice don't see Kagami and Kuro ever having a sad ending... despite my obvious grief, I liked this. I was beyond happy that there was finally another AoKuro fic out there but...yeah. It's nice and I'm going to read the sequels now.
darkmander chapter 1 . 6/5/2014
Hey mr ms author! I like the story... why don't make a 2nd chap what will happen to tetsu after he break up with aomine?
Just hoping though_ thanks for the story itsssssss greeeeeeeeaaaaaaaatttttt!
Pls make more and more aokuro ficc!
darkmander chapter 1 . 6/5/2014
Hey mr ms author! I like the story... why don't make a 2nd chap what will happen to tetsu after he break up with aomine?
Just hoping though_ thanks for the story itsssssss greeeeeeeeaaaaaaaatttttt!
stinaweena chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
I likes this. It was a sad, good read.
random girl chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
I know Kuroko's situation. I've been there before, the only difference was that the guy was the one who broke up with me. Thank you for this story. I've always wanted to write what happened to me during that day. (it was a sunday too. whyyy?!) but words couldnt even describe the pain that i've felt. although i know that im already over it, thank you for somewhat representing my side. i am really grateful.