Reviews for Playing To Win
jewel415 chapter 8 . 9/11/2015
Very well written. A bit sad, as we know they will be parted yet again. This story is like a carousel - a lovely ride that goes round and round and round. I adore it.
NeverIsTheEternal chapter 8 . 9/9/2015
That was everything I hoped it would be and still I want more.
onlyinyourdreams77 chapter 8 . 9/9/2015
OOOH! I liked that one alot. HEHE. I liked how they cheated fate. ;)

When are you updating "Bound for All Eternity"? Hm! And "Penance" again? What is your posting schedule?
Erik'sTrueAngel chapter 8 . 9/9/2015
Yay! Elizabeth and Alistair are finally together! I love this fix it story and in true fashion of true love... Great lovemaking. :) I'm sure he married her the next day. Hee hee.
Grace5231973 chapter 8 . 9/8/2015
Well they just caused quite a scandal ! I wish this had an aftermath chapter.
Twyla Mercedes chapter 8 . 9/7/2015
Nice AU for poor Elizabeth (follow-up would prove interesting - I would imagine her family would disown her but she wouldn't care, living with her Scottish wool merchant - I could imagine Alistair eventually getting something on her family and he could move her back into the family manor, allowing her family to stay on at his pleasure only because it is something Elizabeth would want.) Lovely.
MyraValhallah chapter 8 . 9/6/2015
Beautiful, I think this is my new favourite of these shots
Akira079 chapter 8 . 9/6/2015
You've got to add at least one more chapter to this! Maybe everyone's reaction after they finally drag themselves out of bed.
CharlotteAshmore chapter 8 . 9/6/2015
i am so thrilled you wrote this. the thought of them never finding one another was sheer misery. not that i don't love the angst, because i do. i thought it was brilliant that she kissed him ... claimed him! *squeee* ... right before the eyes of the ton to assure herself that she'd have him for her husband or face ruination. her mother surely would have wanted him for a son in law than to have her daughter ruined ... or not knowing her. i just loved this so much.
Hannoie chapter 7 . 7/14/2015
Well, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading this AU of an AU of an AU. Pity it didn't go this way from the beginning (or rather, in BFAE) ;)
NeverIsTheEternal chapter 7 . 7/6/2015
Don't suppose there's any chance of getting an update on this one at any point in the near future? For some reason I'm really wishing for a past life moment where a Belle and Doc incarnation get drunk, or accidentally drugged out while experimenting with new medicine concoctions, and cause Gold so much trouble that he doesn't ever let them live it down. Maybe including having to fight a demon the following day with a raging hangover. Don't ask. It was a dream I had after re-reading TLG a few weeks ago.
LaDameBlanche chapter 7 . 12/23/2014
I love the idea of a bounded Rumbelle. You have a deep insight into their hearts and souls. I cant stop reading. Its so intense and delicate, beautiful and bold. Extremely loving the way you write the inner voice of both characters.
Rayvah chapter 7 . 11/28/2014
So can you write an alternate version if this fic where. ..just kidding. But it's a fantasy escape of a fantasy escape of a fantasy escape. It's FiCeption. Love it. Makes it a bit easier to go on with life.
JosephineM chapter 7 . 11/15/2014
OH my ... ! That was incredible. And I need very very cold shower. You prepared very beautiful sunday morning for me :-) It isnt enough to said, that this was absolutely amazing! I thank you!
Grace5231973 chapter 7 . 11/13/2014
I wasn't one of the "perverts" but I did enjoy this chapter! Very steamy and romantic!
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