Reviews for Inside Out
rachel625 chapter 20 . 7/13
Great story!
JayNahNah chapter 21 . 6/11
Love love loved it!
JayNahNah chapter 2 . 6/9
I think he likes Bella more than she realizes
pinkshoes81 chapter 21 . 5/26
Loved it, thanks for sharing x
Guest chapter 21 . 4/17
Lovely story. I've read your other stories before-many multiple times.
I nearly skipped this story as the summary did captivate me as it sounded like a typical Edward Bella bestfriend story.
I should have known from your other stories to expect the unexpected.
I'm glad I didn't skip over this story. Was a wonderful read.
Guest chapter 21 . 4/17
I read some of your previous stories before-some multiple times.
I thought I'd give some of your other stories a go too. Nearly skipped this one as the summary didn't capture me-,thought it was another typical Edward Bella bestfriend story.
I should have known you never write 'typical' story lines.
So glad I read it, a unique concept which worked well.
A great read.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/14
I loved this story quite a lot! I was kind of like "Huh?" when I saw the summary and almost skipped it, but I'm really glad I didn't. I actually dated a guy when I was just barely 18 (he was older - 24) who later came out as bisexual. He mostly dated girls his whole life and has actually stayed with the only man he's ever had a relationship with for like the last 20 years or close to it. They have 2 adopted kids and seem extremely happy. Even all these years later, and happily married myself, I remember the sex being utterly fantastic.
Rita01tx chapter 21 . 12/29/2019
Awww, I'm kinda bummed this was the really truly end *sniff!* Enjoyed this story so much...thanks!
Rita01tx chapter 20 . 12/29/2019
Oh, what fun it is bein' inside Edward's head as he navigates his burgeonin' feelin's for Bella!
Rita01tx chapter 19 . 12/29/2019
It's a damn shame Edward never had anyone to talk to growin' up. Then again, we all have to figure our issues out on our own.
Rita01tx chapter 18 . 12/29/2019
Oh, there's definitely more we'd like to read about Edward and Bella who treat life as the wonderful adventure that it is and enjoy it to the fullest!
Rita01tx chapter 17 . 12/29/2019
What a great 31st birthday bash endin' with a marriage proposal! Yeah, no one would say no to Edward!
Rita01tx chapter 16 . 12/28/2019
Fingers crossed for Rosalie and Emmett keepin' that bun in the oven! And I'm glad Edward was able to tell his beloved brother his secret!
Rita01tx chapter 15 . 12/28/2019
Sounds like Esme and Bella did a bang up job sprucin' up the beach house and I was sure bitin' my nails hopin' Renee wouldn't spill the beans, which she almost did *eyeroll!*
Rita01tx chapter 14 . 12/28/2019
Well, Riley had to be a good guy or Edward never would have loved him! I'm just glad he'd found love, too!
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