Reviews for Alone
Caroleg chapter 32 . 8/5/2019
Love a good wingedward story. Hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
This story was so fantastic with a very unique plot and your engaging writing style .Its been one of my favourites and I always wonder when will the update come. Please continue this , I've read a lot a fanfictions and to find such an amazing piece like this was so rare . The last chapter is such a cliffhanger. I've been waiting for so long now for an update...please complete this beautiful story
Farewellrealism chapter 32 . 6/18/2018
Please finish this story! I know its been a while but you write beautifully, if you cant write it all can you tell a little bit how it ends so we are/ I am not left hanging. I love this story; I’ve read a lot of fan-fictions and this one is one of my very favorites, sad to its not completed.
AnaTwiLover chapter 32 . 12/26/2016
Please don't forget about this story! Its so dark and different. We desperately need an ending!
JulizaRose chapter 32 . 11/3/2015
I've really missed you!
Renee Aubin chapter 32 . 10/24/2015
Yaay, a new chapter!

Kind of frightening when Edward doesn’t stop when she goes “immobile”. Definitely scary when she thinks repeatedly ‘Something is wrong.’

And then the flashback:
Nice: ‘Suddenly I realise – as if my confession of love broke down the final barriers that had stood round my heart – I want everything.’

Wonderful phrasing: ‘…he finally continues in his whisper, like his heart has wrung his vocal chords dry.’ Another good one: ‘greedy for his words’. And another: ‘his gaze is a river run into the sea – deep and endless and free’.

So sweet: "You . . . " he trails off, his voice breaking slightly and his eyes shining with the weight of tears. "You give this?" Pressing down lightly on my chest, he marvels, "to me?"

Sniffle: "For always if . . . if you want it." A watery smile wets my lips. "Even if you don't."

Touching that he just can’t sleep:
‘So he stared down at his human and couldn't make his eyes close.
She was a wonder, and he never wanted to look away.’

Lovely that he has found this again: ‘Instead, it was a sweet kind of peace – like Edward remembered feeling, standing high up in the tree tops on Zefdatris when he was younger, before he knew much about anything.’

Reasonable that she wants to give up holding hands at school, "Just so people don't ask?" They need some time to figure out how to explain him (and Jasper) and their relationships.

I smiled at her cover story of having met Edward as a pen pal. Why not? And like she said, she’s never been out of Forks.

Well said: ‘I knew what it felt like, to be under the weight of so many stares, and on the lips of people that didn't know anything, but felt like they were owed it all anyway.’

Good for Angela: "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but your pen pal is really, really pretty."

How wonderful to get a chance to talk to Alice, someone else in the same situation.

Funny: ‘We both break out into peals of laughter at that, and in my peripheral I see their heads turn in our direction. Alice must too, because she shouts, "Mind your own business!"’

Yaay: ‘Edward liked to kiss.’ Once he figures out the “purpose” of it. Hopefully Bella will like it too.

Oops: "Inconspicuous," [Jasper] scoffed under his breath. "Do you purposely do the opposite of everything I say to you?"

Makes sense:
"But are you sure you want to come to school with me? … It can't be much fun for you."
"It is where you are," he says with a little shrug. "You are much more fun to be around than your bedspread.”

Oh shoot, now we’re tiptoeing into what’s happening back on their home planet.
Uh oh: "Jasper . . . he thinks they did something to us," Edward murmurs. "All of us. Before we were sent here."

And now we’re back to the beginning.
Shivery: ‘His eyes are pitch black – full of dark in a way I've never seen before.’

Whoa, not the reaction she wanted when she begged him to stop:
‘And like I've said the magic words, his grip on me suddenly loosens. I pull my eyes open to see his own – still dark but . . . aware, unlike just a moment ago. A tiny sliver of green pushes through the black, and in it: pure horror.’
Alice's White Rabbit chapter 32 . 10/23/2015
Good to have you back with us! And, wow, that was a little scary at the end. I wasn't sure she was going to get through to Edward. But, damn, why does he keep disappearing on her? I have a feeling all these emotions he's feeling are overwhelming him. They seem so foreign and new.

trisha63 chapter 32 . 10/19/2015
Thanks for another fantastic chapter update gal! I was really missing this wonderful little story and was so excited to see that it had updated, and oh what an update! Possibly the way Edward acted so aggressively was that modification that he was talking about, and the only thing that stopped him was when she told him he was hurting her. Now he is so filled with regret and self-hatred I hope he goes to find Jasper instead of hiding away from Bella. Hope all is well with you and I look forward to the next chapter update. Take care, Trisha :}
Siobhan Whitlock chapter 32 . 10/19/2015
Great chapter to come back with, though, I loved it!

What he just did, its what they did to them, right? Poor Edward.
Danatech chapter 32 . 10/18/2015
Hey! Your back I missed your beautiful words.
This was a big chapter, like 3x1. Love it, don't let the cliffhanger to torture us to much.
Capricorn75 chapter 32 . 10/18/2015
I've missed your writing so much! Getting this update was a much appreciated surprise. Welcome back!
icrodriguez chapter 32 . 10/18/2015
I'm so thrilled to see you back to posting! And what a fantastic chapter! But I am afraid for our beloved Edward. Please let Bella soothe his shame quickly. I hate the thought of a hurting Edward.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/17/2015
I've lurked through 9 chapters, but now I have to leave a review. There are plenty of damaged Bella's out there, but this Edward is in interesting mix of savior, alien, angel and innocent. Intriguing.
2old4fanfic chapter 10 . 10/17/2015
I tried saying Edward out my window but he didn't appear. sigh
WiltshireGlo chapter 32 . 10/17/2015
Thank you for the update. Good to see you back - I love the atmosphere of this fic, even though I'm nervous about what Aro may have done.
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