Reviews for The Saints Rebirth
Guest chapter 17 . 4/29
I’ve followed this story since you began, and wish you’d come back and continue this story! It’s amazing! Please come back and finish this!
Boomer1125 chapter 17 . 10/18/2019
I really love this saga and hope that you can update soon.
Robthekiwi121 chapter 17 . 3/20/2019
Nooooo gimme an update
Guest chapter 17 . 3/16/2019
I wish you would update this amazing story of yours! I miss your version of Johnny Gat and the Boss so much! I also really want to know what happens with their baby.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/1/2018
Are you still going to update this?
PurpleShadow20 chapter 17 . 10/24/2017
Your stories are so amazing, I'm still hoping you'll continue to update this story!
Guest chapter 17 . 3/15/2017
Read through your entire SR stories. I love them to bits. True to the point they go off the original storyline. I.e Matt ain't dead and he's a member of the saints etc. But love then nonetheless.

Really can't wait for more. Xxxx
ChaosIdeals chapter 17 . 2/11/2017
I've completely devoured this entire series in 3 days, I love your writing. Just the right about of viciousness, craziness and tension mixed with humour and fluff.

Will look forward to any more chapters, but even if you never get around to it, this is a fantastic series.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
Please say you haven't forgot about this story, I'm still waiting for an update! Gotta find out what's happening with this baby!
PC chapter 17 . 3/21/2016
Pls continue this series im still waiting for new chapter :(
Guest chapter 17 . 2/1/2016
Yes please don't forget about this amazing series you have here! I really hope you continue to write since you are a magnificent writer and an excellent story teller. I also hope that everything is going good for you as well :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
Please don't tell me you haven't forgotten about this amazing story you have here, because I've noticed its been a while since you've updated... But I hope everything is going good for you on your side of the monitor. :)
Guest chapter 17 . 12/20/2015
I really hope you don't give up on this wonderful story you have here...
Kihlala Sisters chapter 17 . 11/18/2015
I love your story, oh and who is gonna be the President the boss or Gat
Guest chapter 17 . 11/3/2015
Is everything alright? It's kinda been awhile...
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