Reviews for And I'll Dance At Your Funeral If You Dance At Mine
Apocalypse Betty chapter 1 . 11/22/2019
This is such a devlishly good read!
Paul Lenzen chapter 24 . 12/25/2018
This was such a pleasure to read. Good job
Guest chapter 24 . 9/15/2018
Good story.
Guest chapter 24 . 8/27/2018
Loved this! Well-written. Interesting storyline. Well-developed characters. Love Vulpes. Absolutely smitten with him. His obsession with Six and her responses to him. All of it. I know it's been years but please consider a sequel or update or something. This is just too good.
MikelWay chapter 24 . 1/15/2018
Party Pat chapter 24 . 9/21/2014
Dude. This was amazing. It was sick and disturbing, one of the best things I've read in some time, and inventive. You're either a psychopath, an amazing writer, or both. Either way, you have a career ahead of you. One criticism I have though, is that the Courier was so easily overpowered at every turn, yet was able to defeat Lanius. Unless, that is of course, that you envisioned Boone simply shooting him to begin with. Good luck m8.
geroni211 chapter 24 . 8/31/2014
Absolutely awsome. Please keep writting, this is briliant.
Guest chapter 24 . 8/29/2014
Sequel!? love this story. hope you do more
rowenarose chapter 24 . 8/20/2014
Oh boy. Please tell me that another sequel is in the works, because your writing is equal parts horrifying and beautiful, and I would really really really appreciate more of it.
russianbear0027 chapter 24 . 7/27/2014
This story, and the one that came before it, are dark. However, this is a story worth reading.
The writing is tight, there is no filler, and the author kept the focus on the story being told.
I learned some new things from reading this, and some new ideas about people and their actions.
Nicely done, Lee Atwater
PrincessWaitress43 chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
Thank you for updating this as often as you have; it's addicting! I feel a bit guilty for wanting Six and Vulpes to find themselves alone together in heightened situations every chapter, seeing that she is long overdue some real revenge, and he's such a sick, sadistic prick. But the banter is so fun, like an angry Psycho-fueled tennis match, and you've created such great chemistry between the two, I really want to find out how, well, f***ed up he really is, detached from the basic concepts of human decency, all too gleeful about things like torture and pushing the human mind to the edge of anguish and madness, all those heartwarming Legion family values. How far does it really go? But then there are those times when he's weirdly gentle and relenting, rubbing her injured hand, teasing her about her cooking, enjoying her seething retorts. I can never be sure if he knows her limits for withstanding pain, and his own for inflicting that pain on her, and is showing genuine care/restraint, or if he's just messing with her head every time, waiting for her to become totally pliable and dependent on him. I'd like to hope it's the former, but ... anyway, love this! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Lee Atwater chapter 8 . 6/19/2014
anon, thanks for the feedback! As for your last question, it's the former, or close to it. I've got a few more chapters to write. I really hate reading something that seems good and then the author never updates again, so when I decided to write these, I figured I wouldn't post until I was done or almost done with the stories so I couldn't write myself into a hole. Plus, then I could go back and make changes before publishing if I decided to take things in a different direction.

As a grown-ass, married-with-kids-and-a-full-time-job feminist type, I am really not sure where this all came from. I'm going to chalk it up to some sort of work-stress reaction.
anon chapter 8 . 6/18/2014
Interesting, kinda like 50 shades.
I think it might be nice if Six could take advantage of Vulpes' obsession for once though. He's always dominating her and pushing her buttons, when will she turn the situation around and use her sexuality as a weapon against him? I get the impression that he'd act outraged, but would secretly enjoy her being in control.

Other than my mild feminist disatisfaction, this is really good. It really delves into our secret S&M fantasies (though of course, no one would want that in real life. Just as how a lot of people enjoy watching war films/heroes but would never want to have to actually kill and fight in real life too).
Characterisation is especially well executed, though the pace, prose and punctuation are also exemplary.

I must wonder how you manage to update virtually every day. Have you already completed the story, or are you currently in a state of supreme inspiration unfettered by the caustic binds of the interweb's cat videos? Your motivation is certainly laudable.
mg333 chapter 8 . 6/18/2014
And the minigun is taking the lead
mg333 chapter 7 . 6/17/2014
Damn, Vulpes is a twisted piece of work. Part of me wants to see his layers get peeled back. The other part just wants to see the courier turn him into Swiss cheese with a minigun
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