Reviews for War & Piece
simply woven chapter 12 . 5/8/2016
This is such a beautifully written story that seems to take a more tender and nuanced approach to House, Cuddy, and their relationship than the series itself. Thanks for sharing.
lontanissima chapter 12 . 9/30/2014
Thank you so much for writing again!
This chapter is a perfect example of your incredible ability to use words and create magic! The raw emotions and constant roller coaster between angst and hesitations is a great replica (just in your amazing universe) of "Now what?" but your story was better. Not because of the happy ending, which was nice touch to it, but because you created a universe where you gave a voice to the character in unique way and they always remained truthful to themselves. (I wonder if I'm making any sense)
anyhow, thank you!
Dont give up! You have a gift! It's incredible!
jaybe61 chapter 12 . 9/30/2014
Excellent Story, Love your writing MystryGAB!
Azes chapter 12 . 9/28/2014
I finally found time to read the end of this amazing story. Right now I can only tell you how amazing all of it was. A believable, scared and romantic, pair. Great job! I look forward to reading another story of yours.
IWuvHouse chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
You are a fabulously gifted writer! Loved this final chapter & the evolution of the story as it unfolded. Applause!
southpaw2 chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Incredibly insightful writing. What an accomplishment, to take the episodes as given and turn them into pure gold. I was amazed reading what you were able to do in staying true to the heart and soul of these characters and showing them a way forward. Thank you and I look forward to your next story!
Bere chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Great great super great fic!
Tks x your time, your talent and please,
Don't stop to write!
Suzieqlondon chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
So many great things in this epic last chapter, but I liked that simple line: We're going to be late picking up the kid.
That says it all, they're in it together from the start, and this is how it should have been.
What a fabulous ending! Thank you once again, your stories are getting better and better!
EyeOnYou0000 chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Read the whole story absolutely love it
cutthroat-bitch chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Loved this fic! Seriously, totally amazing. Especially this last chapter. A new look on House & Cuddy's relationship that I absolutely liked.
freeasabird14 chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
OMG, I can't believe you wrote the last chapter of this phenomenal story. I gotta say, it was epic! I really enjoyed this story of yours; the idea of following the storyline but adding your own bits was simply brilliant. Bravo! And this last part was so perfectly written; all their conflicting emotions and turmoils...stunning. Thank you so much for writing, sharing and keeping Huddy alive.
JLCH chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
This was a terrific ending. You captured drama, banter, humor, angst and so much love. And really Huddy were all of those things...most of all love, always love. You put a lot of thought and time into your stories and they're always terrific. Thank you to your muse, that she prodded you to write it and thank you so much for doing your part (a big part!) to help heal the Huddy hearts. You were right you now, House and Cuddy really are a part of us all :)
Drdiagnostic chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Let me first take the opportunity to say that I am sorry this story is completed, but pleased with it's conclusion. What you accomplished, that the writers of the show failed to do, was to take House and Cuddy's authentic personalities in their relationship and used them to illustrate their complex nature. I'm glad you brought this to the attention to the reader, because it was a true complication to their relationship. Cuddy always wanting to be in control of every aspect of her life. (HER comfort zone.) House's capacity to be an ass. (BUT when it came to Cuddy was regretful.) But it also showed the personalities so often skimmed over in the series. House the romantic and Cuddy with her own personal relationship fears.

Thank you for this wonderful contribution and well for the hot nookie too. ;-)
LoveMyHouse chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Wow! Just... wow! Really, a fantastic job of working through every nuance of their fears, hopes, insecurities, more fears. Absolutely excellent!
ikissedtheLaurie chapter 12 . 9/25/2014
Well that was a rollercoaster ride and a half. Up and down the whole way through plus some sexy stuff thrown in between. I loved it. I think it was a perfect way to end this story. Highlighting the very real problems they will face in their relationship and not just skimming over it or ignoring it... Very well done. I loved it! Hopefully we get another one soon! :)
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