Reviews for Meet the di Angelos
C.B chapter 20 . 3/4
I love it! Why are most of the people gay or lesbian though?
Fives CT 55555 chapter 20 . 11/26/2019
LMAO I am sooo conflicted about this. It was cringy af, but somehow in a heart warming way. The ending was really cute. Some of the tension felt like melodrama and some more real tension couldn't have hurt either, but overall this was a very enjoyable read. Thanks for writing this! Made my week.
Solangelo21 chapter 10 . 12/9/2018
I laugh so hard practically every single time Tyson speak, his relationship with Percy is just so freaking adorable
IStanACrowbarVictim chapter 20 . 5/10/2018
the real narnia chapter 12 . 4/16/2018
So awesome. I want to go to a who shop
There's a really awesome HP shop near my college that I like to visit sometimes. But it's really expensive. :(

Still it sounded really fun and the family bonding was so cute!
the real narnia chapter 11 . 4/16/2018
Cheerleader! Percy to get back at Drew is hilarious. Yeah SOME YOUR AWESOME INTO THE BITCHES FACE!
So many clubs... I'd be exhausted too. I love Panda baby. Of are the things, Clarisse... Hehehehehe
I love what happened in cooking club and I'm excited to see what happens in drama. In also sure that Percy will make the cheerleading squad - the only question is...will he join?
(Yes. The answer should be yes)
And Frank telling Leo too learn how to be that flexible is hilarious.
the real narnia chapter 10 . 4/16/2018
I've got to agree with Leo - David Tennant is my favorite doctor. I still love Matt though.
I should really catch up to doctor who
the real narnia chapter 9 . 4/16/2018
I thought the best way to make Percy learn was with kisses but jumping on the bed and writing notes on a half naked guy sounds good too :P
And I love how Leo is counted in the girls. :)
the real narnia chapter 8 . 4/16/2018
Awwwwwwwwww the whole neighborhood is so sweet! I wanna live there. If you ignore Zeus and Hera it's practically perfect.
And yay we get some Grover and some Ethan and Alabaster
the real narnia chapter 7 . 4/16/2018
I'm not crying, you're crying
the real narnia chapter 6 . 4/16/2018
Omg this was so adorable and cute! At first I thought they were going to watch the Little mermaid, because of what Percy told Poseidon earlier, but watching Percy's competitions was genius and adorable! And I love how it also included other people's activities, too.
I think London is a good idea, though the cruise idea wasn't so bad either; they could make multiple stops to see different places.
And I love how smart you've made Tyson. Kids are always the most perceptive
the real narnia chapter 5 . 4/16/2018
Oh my God that's hilarious. I love how cause Hades was in informing the rest of the family.
I'm glad that Percy is state champ when it comes to his sword play. Percy without being kick ass always seems a bit weird.
And don't worry Hades, you can call Leo and Frank and Jason 'soon' (I mean they will be eventually. ;D)
the real narnia chapter 4 . 4/16/2018
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so cute!
And don't worry, Poseidon, I'd adopt Leo too if I could.
And yay Poseidon and Percy bonding!
the real narnia chapter 3 . 4/16/2018
Hades is the best lawyer ever, hehehe
I probably would've freaked of Apollo showed up, just because of coincidences and shit. I'm a bit surprised there was less freakage.
And I love how Tyson has dolls of his family members and their friends! It's so cute! :)
the real narnia chapter 2 . 4/16/2018
Oh my god Percy that is not how you introduce yourself
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