Reviews for Serene Destiny
SciFichikie chapter 7 . 8/11/2019
I loved this fic! Very well written.
Zaralann chapter 7 . 4/30/2019
NecromancyKing chapter 7 . 10/6/2016
Please update soon.
EffervescentNova chapter 7 . 4/19/2015
Is the Earth-that-was an Earth set up by the descendants of the ship? I wonder.
The producers did say that they wanted the crew to encounter more of their descendants in other galaxies.

Altera was the name of the ancients, odd that these aliens have adopted it as their own.

Just come across this story, very good and also interesting, I'll be following.
AnneElliotsCat chapter 7 . 4/13/2015
All right! Good stuff here! You've clearly got a Big Plan in place, and you're laying the pieces out. Can't wait to see what's coming. (But take your time: RL is still there.) In other words, I'm not trying to put undue pressure on you. Just enthusiastic encouragement. TTFN and lots of love.
PascalDragon chapter 7 . 4/12/2015
Obvious choice to have Simon and TJ together in the infirmary. :) Maybe once they've solved the troubles with the Nakai they should simply try the stones?
In such situations the military training of Scott and Greer really pays off. Maybe Jayne could learn a thing or two from them ;)

PascalDragon chapter 6 . 4/12/2015
Interesting idea for a crossover. :) Though of course the question remains what exactly had happened to Destiny. Is this really Milky Way? Or another galaxy altogether? If the latter then how did humans reach such a far away galaxy? If the former how did Destiny come back there? Or are they descendants from Novus? Is there a Stargate somewhere in the Firefly-verse system?
Oh, the ship's already charged... :'( would have liked to see the demise of Serenity's crew as Destiny plunges herself into a star to recharge. :D

AnneElliotsCat chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
Well, not all the stories I read catch my attention as much as this one has! Seriously: I got hooked because of the way you pegged the characters and are setting up the plot. I don't review *everything* the way I do this. And I don't mind waiting (well, not too much) for you to get it right. I appreciate how this doesn't read at all like a first draft.
The Lord Marbury chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
This is some really spectacular stuff! It's sad how few SGU crossovers there are out there, but this is just wonderful.

I wonder how things will develop when Young awakens additional personnel and if there'll be some clashes with the Serenity crew. It'll also be interesting to see just how long they'll stay out of notice from the Alliance. If they show up there could be some serious trouble...
AnneElliotsCat chapter 5 . 3/25/2015
Nicely done! Of *course* Jayne would blast the Blue Creepy. Now, with a decent doctor on board (Simon) maybe he can do an autopsy and the Destiny crew can find out a little more about these guys. And having Greer and Jayne team up sounds like too much fun to be legal!

I wonder if Scott will be able to decide (or control) which pods open? Maybe River and Destiny have made the choice already . . . and how long before Kaylee has gotten to an engine area and started ripping it apart . . . just to have Rush walk in on her? I don't think the angry doctor is just going to ask if there were crazy space monkeys around . . .

On second thought, if Rush's first interaction with the crew is to make Kaylee cry, then *nothing* he can do will ever make any of Serenity's people even tolerate him. Rush might be able to handle Wash, but Mal, Book, Jayne, Zoe,and *Inara* would be lined up to pound the living snot out of him. :-)
AnneElliotsCat chapter 4 . 3/7/2015
I didn't see this coming! And these guys were seriously creepy, too. Still, they're a little better than Reavers, right? I still would like to see Rush wake up and try to be smarter than River, and for Young and Camille to try to pull rank on Mal. Like *that* would go well.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I *may* steal it and continue it. . .
AnneElliotsCat chapter 3 . 3/7/2015
Yes! So River is also talking to Amanda (and I must confess, that, other than being in love with Rush, I don't know why people hate her so much. I think it's the same reason everyone hates Christine Chapel: she stands in for the viewer, and the whole point of her character is that she *can't* have Mr. Spock, or Dr. Rush.). And who are the other people inside Destiny? Will River be able to save them? And how long will it take before Jayne knocks Rush out, just to shut him up? :-)
AnneElliotsCat chapter 2 . 3/7/2015
Again, lovely setup. I like how Destiny is *still* falling apart. Maybe (just anticipating future chapters that you may have imagined but never worked out) how Kaylee and River can work with Eli to actually *fix* Destiny. I would love to see how the other characters react upon waking up 500 years in the future, and in the the *wrong galaxy*. I haven't actually watched all of SGU yet; I want to drag the experience out for as long as possible. Just like I did with Firefly. :-)

You have a real gift for pacing and word choice.
AnneElliotsCat chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
I just found this today, and I waited until I'd read it all so I could give you 4 reviews! This looks like a lovely start; you've got the Firefly character voices exactly right, and I love how River can talk to Destiny (I always knew she was sentient!).
Grz chapter 4 . 9/13/2014
glad to see such a well written stargate/firefly story. looking froward to the next chapter
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