Reviews for Ichigo, Meet Ichigo
Fractoluminescence chapter 35 . 3/16/2019
Whoa I really like how in the end it was just one story, even though it seemed like two at once... Nice with that little bit at the end...
You're great at writing fights, at least better than lots of people are.

I really liked this story. Thank you for writing it! :D
Fractoluminescence chapter 34 . 3/16/2019
Fractoluminescence chapter 33 . 3/16/2019
HAHAHAHAH How DARE you even create a poll that nobody can truly win!? X'D
Fractoluminescence chapter 32 . 3/15/2019
No Riku she 'didn't' get away... Damn you, RoR, why do your have to make things so cleverly WORSE for the reader with that remark...? T_T
Fractoluminescence chapter 31 . 3/15/2019
I did NOT see that coming. And the 'you guys are going to hate me after this' did NOT warn me. Ugh.
Fractoluminescence chapter 30 . 3/14/2019
BTW, I really like the idea of the 'reishi-made false Zanpakutou' thing

Hahah yes his inner world's gravity is awesomely weird X'D

Hah could only expect Ikkaku and Zangetsu to get along! It's so like them ;

Huh. Never wondered. I wanted a one-word pen name if possible
Fractoluminescence chapter 29 . 3/12/2019
What the heck has Kisuke been doing again?! X'D

Hahah he's not much better than Mayuri with his spying bacteria, is he? X'D
Fractoluminescence chapter 28 . 3/11/2019
Yaaayy they're whole again :D

I do believe you're the first one of whom I've read a fic to dare consider Ichigo a Hollow. Had been waiting for it for a long time though, so I can only thank you for it

The way you wrote the scene is perfect, don't worry
Fractoluminescence chapter 27 . 3/10/2019
Ohhh I really like what going on here... :O
Fractoluminescence chapter 25 . 3/10/2019
Ohhhh I like where the plot is going...

HAHAHAH Heh who would have thought clowns were the ones NOT to give high-fives X'D
Fractoluminescence chapter 24 . 3/10/2019
Oh. Indeed, now that I think about it, when a hollow evolves it becomes less and less mind-less. Maybe evolving made Shiro soften as well?

I love this chapter. Is so stuffed with emotions...
Mika's awesome too. I really like how attentionate and uncaring she is about conventions

Actually, it's interesting to know that Shiro gets protective on his own, without needing Ichigo around. I wonder how Ichigo's gonna react to this story?
Fractoluminescence chapter 23 . 3/10/2019
I do WONDER just WHICH trip had gone WRONG *wink at Aizen's ghost*
Fractoluminescence chapter 22 . 3/10/2019
OMG so the guy WAS a Kuchiki! I was wondering so, but told myself I might be jumping to conclusions too quickly! :O

Hmm... A power that drains people of thri energy maybe?...

Hollow bait... I'd be ready to bet that it actually attracts Shiro as well
Fractoluminescence chapter 21 . 3/9/2019
"it seems as if the site you were telling me about has been accessed" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH X'D


Dammit I love this scene, it's awesome! I love how it should be dramatic but is the total opposite X'D

I love also how, even now, they discuss how's gonna read; it makes it sound so much more realistic, or like a pyjama party or something

HAHAHAHAH UryĆ» blaming the escapee on the Soul Reapers X'D
Fractoluminescence chapter 20 . 3/9/2019
'covered up by a smirk his smirk' contains a repetition I think

I was wondering how he would do it, but this is perfect. And so like him too, to just attack and comment harshly :O
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