Reviews for A Family's Blood
Sprig chapter 47 . 7/10/2014
wow...i was totally bawling throughout this whole story and was also totally pissed off at Gibbs and Vance for pushing thru Tim and Sarah's past like bulldozers.
puppypants chapter 16 . 7/2/2014
Always loved their commentary together
Reader chapter 47 . 6/30/2014
Excellent job with this story. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Can't wait for whatever next that inspires you.
Reader chapter 46 . 6/30/2014
Good that finally Tim saw what he needed to believe that he loves Ziva. Only one part of Tim family was f*&ked up and that part is dead and buried. Nice chapter. Good luck with your classes and getting those degrees you want.
Crawcolady chapter 47 . 6/30/2014
Beautiful . . . a hard road to travel to get there, but they reached "Beautiful".
Challenge King chapter 47 . 6/30/2014
This chapter was a very good ending to the story. I am looking forward to future works.
Sazzita chapter 47 . 6/30/2014
lovely story well done!
Sazzita chapter 46 . 6/29/2014
Yes that last line made my day! more please!
alix33 chapter 45 . 6/29/2014
Yay! for Ebony managing to bartend AND go back to school.
One day, maybe when I'm a retiree (or maybe earlier, if I have spare cash to play the lottery and I win) I want to go back to uni and study psychology, like Ebony is doing, but also Latin, Hebrew and Greek and maybe philosophy and economics. My first time at uni I got degrees in library science and political science, respectively, which, while not bad, did not allow me to study everything I am interested in.
"hunt down his killed" - "hunt down his killer"?
alix33 chapter 43 . 6/29/2014
That wine and cookies sounds like some kind of communion, if not necessarily a holy one, but maybe holy, in a different way yet.
"she had in completely within her" - "had him completely".
alix33 chapter 42 . 6/29/2014
"taken a page form the Romanov's book" - "the Romanovs' book".
I am looking forward to the tornado that will be Ziva and Ebony's first meeting.
I'm also feeling kind of chuffed for Ebony that she did get to have sex with Tim once, even if they are now only the best of friends.
alix33 chapter 41 . 6/29/2014
Did you mean "Haemophobia" or "Hemophobia"? Because "Homophobia" (which is what is written in this chapter currently) is something else entirely.
alix33 chapter 40 . 6/29/2014
alix33 chapter 39 . 6/29/2014
I really hope John McGee IS paying that hefty price in hell.
alix33 chapter 36 . 6/29/2014
AW! for Ebony holding on to Tim and not letting go.
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