Reviews for Force of Habit
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
Wow... that was brilliant. And tragic. Hats off to you, writer, this story just broke my heart in one of the most wonderful ways. I always imagined Sebastian taking care of his corpse after he ate his soul (since he enjoys the butler role) and when Sebastian heard ciels voice calling him a fool...damn. That was just... Well done.
IYW chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
First of all HWO DARE U
I love you but I hate you
Your writing is gorgeous. Intricate and captivating. Thank you very much for BREAKING MY HEART
Jeessica chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Why...Why oh WHY ;-;

I hate the anime's ending, so I got into reading the manga an I just hope that Sebastian indeed eats Ciel's soul. But yes... I think he would suffer too ):
I've been reading your fanfictions and I love them! You gorgeously keep both of them in character and I love your style! (I don't have a fanfic account, to lazy to do one, but I couldn't resist to tell you I love this!)
333 :D
Guest chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
i really really like this
Resistant Raisin chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Wow! This is a really well written story; I especially like the order of your events. I loved the unique plot of this story and the interesting little ideas that were in it as well.
Zero Andreasen chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
This story is quite intresring, I never thought of somethig like this, but then again I haven't thought of a lot of the stories that arer being written now a days! Anyway love the story! Hope you make more just as good! Ja Ne
promocat chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
it's creepy-but loving also-poor sebastian
Viatorofthesky chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
My gosh, nearly made me cry :P Your writing is such good work, really. Keep it up!