Reviews for Stalemate
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
This conversation fits in so well with Erik and Charles's situation and feelings towards each other post-DoFP. I like the way you use their stalemated chess game as a metaphor for their deadlocked conversation and relationship, but I also wish there was more to this story than dialogue and chess moves. Without any scene-setting descriptions or atmosphere, it's like they're playing chess in a vacuum.
time2read chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
OMG such a touching seen I can almost see eric locking himself up in his room after this scene and crying his heart out at those words! No one should have to go through the shit he went through. OMG the feels!
Lo chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
Orginal Name chapter 1 . 6/22/2014
Awesome story.
MadroxMR chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
Future Charles told Past Charles that he needed to hope again and that hope was his greatest gift. I think your story captures an example of that nicely; Charles will always hope for a better future for Erik, even when Erik completely rejects such a notion. The ending was a nice touch too; I love the protectiveness trumping the lingering resentment.
feathered moon wings chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
I think Erik doesn't deserve even a agme of chess u.u
Why? I'll tell you why.
He let a friging STADIUM fall over Charles! How much is that for a why!?
Sorry sorry. I can't help my self, is just, the little shit... Sorry sorry.
But I do belive Charles downfall in anything Movie or comic was because he was too forgiving and too good.
Anywho, that's his best trait after all.
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
He still cares about Erik, much as he might wish he didn't.
Lyn Gleason chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
I think Charles can't let that happen because they will always be best friends! : ) Loved it!
TheAngelofFate chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
Charles knocked his king over—there was nothing to be accomplished in this game, anyway. He wheeled himself back from the table a few paces and then stopped.

"I haven't forgiven you," he said. "And I haven't forgotten what you've done. But as long as I'm alive, Erik, I will not allow you to be tortured and killed. You have my word."

*sighs* I love it when they play chess, I feel like they have the deepest, heart felt, friendship conversations when they do so.

I love that even though Charles hasn't forgiven Erik for what he's done in this fic, (I think he in fact wants too, he wants Erik to be good, and hopes one day he will) but that doesn't mean he wants him to die.

Which he doesn't, Erik is still his best friend and no matter what he does, Charles will always try and save him, because like this fanfic said there is still good in Erik, still is the Erik that Charles formed a strong bond with.

I think Charles would do his upmost, come hell or high water to get his dearest old friend back. Because that just sounds like Charles! :)