Reviews for The Collector
Guest chapter 33 . 2/18/2019
Thoroughly enjoyed this story, very well written. More please.
Pan2fel chapter 33 . 10/20/2018
eyoo,I don't know if I ever left you a comment on this fic (or the others). Fact is you're my favourite NCIS LA author. I am so in love.
Anyway, funny story, a few days ago I had this craving for undercover fics and I remembered one where I thought Tony from NCIS was a rookie and went undercover and was wrapped in plastic and I was searching for it and searching for it. Somewhere along the line I remembered Raffy and the scene where Deeks went to his home after the op was over. But I thought it was 2 stories and I grew frustrated, because I couldn't find either of them. I located them down to you and I went over summary and summary and I just didn't know and then I hit this one and looked at the word count and it just didn't fit. Seems the 3 "stories" are all part of one big story xDD and I'm very glad I found it again.
I love your version of deeks and I love all your OCs, they're so different and genuine and awesome, I wanna befriend them all. I love the relationships you create and I love the bad guys just as much as the good guys. Your pacing is perfect and the style so beautiful.
So yes, thank you very very very much for sharing your stories.

(Now I wonder if there is one where Hetty makes her move and Deeks decided to switch to the NCIS...? )
Dief09 chapter 33 . 10/5/2018
Love this story amazing story and writing
Guest chapter 15 . 3/12/2018
Dont like this OC sister
xtinochka chapter 33 . 10/9/2017
Thank you for this amazing story! As I am from Ukraine I liked the Kulish family. You pictured them really good. Especially the amount of food on the table and hospitality. It was really interesting to follow Deeks through his first undercover experience.
lindergail chapter 33 . 8/9/2016
Wow. What a great plot and characters! I love the way you've woven everything together. I've enjoyed your writing and really, really appreciate the longer ones. I know they're harder to write, but it's great to have longer to visit that world! Keep up the excellent work!
Guest chapter 33 . 2/15/2016
WOW! can I just say that was wonderful, involving and I hope you have more of this planned! Would love to see your take on the beginnings of the team. Loved the relationships that Deeks developed with Rafferty and his family. Would certainly like to see more of them. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and stories. I started this last night and before I new it, it was midnight and had to get up early, so couldn't finish it until later today. But it was certainly worth the wait and then it was finished and left me wanting more! Love your stories. Thank you!
kadyann1955 chapter 33 . 9/7/2015
Just finished this thrilling story and was so sorry when it ended! I came to love Mick's family and will miss them. I know I will run into Pete again, so I'm happy about that. Hopefully you'll include Mick's family in future stories because I love Isabel's and Granny's mothering of our fine lookin' Marty! As usual, your stories paint such a clear picture of what's going on that you get lost in the story and feel like you are actually there, except in this case I'm glad I really wasn't because of the really bad bad guys, LOL. Well, off to read another one of your wonderful stories. Hmmm, which one will it be...

Hugs, Kathy
kadyann1955 chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
I'm not even very far into this fabulous story and already blubbering like a baby. I just reached the part where Keshawn & Kamar's father is trying to thank Marty for saving his sons' lives but breaks down. Well, I broke down right with himand felt so sorry for Deeks. And I am so angry at the higher-ups for accusing Deeks of something he didn't do. Thank goodness for Hetty! But back to reading some more! This is another wonderful story from your magnificent imagination. I can't get enough of your stories. You are by far my most favorite author of all. So glad I have a ton of your NCIS: LA fiction waiting to be read. Keep writing more please, so I don't run out. You certainly keep me on the edge of my seat! Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you don't get bored with the show and quit writing. So looking forward to the new season this month and meeting Deeks' mother!
PirateGinge chapter 33 . 8/29/2015
I just read this all in one day. Loved it! Would love to see some sequels maybe with hetty collecting Sam, Kensi and Nell. And also what the pieces in the collection meet. Callen realising that Deeks is the undercover cop when he meets him or something. So many possible ideas to play with.

Nice to see deek's character development to the shaggy we know. And the image of him in uniform is a nice one!
Maria Luisa Illarnizzi chapter 33 . 4/11/2015
Thanks so much for giving us to know the rookie Marty Deeks. Love your story so much.
martymax chapter 33 . 2/23/2015
Ahh again brilliant.
Natalie Ryan chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I just started reading this story and I say that this is one hell of a start and I like it all the way around. I love the way how you put Deeks into Hetty's eyes and how she noticed him in the first place. And about Eric's recruitment it reminds me of the way Hotch recruited Garcia in Criminal Minds, when she hacked the FBI database and instead of jail she joined the Bureau.
imahistorian chapter 33 . 2/12/2015
That was exactly the right kind of justice for Deeks as a man and as a cop. You did an incredible tribute to the character and to everything you've written in this story by making him true to his past, his experiences, and the journey he's been on. And you wrapped this all up wonderfully, also bringing some happy closure to Isabel and Rafferty that I was hoping to see. You brought Deeks' past to life in a fascinating way, thank you for the amazing story.
imahistorian chapter 32 . 2/12/2015
What an amazing piece of writing. I absolutely loved Deeks' reconnection with the ocean and what it meant for his peace of mind and long term recovery. You brought that to life so vividly, I could see and smell the ocean, and I could sense what being out there did for him. It also felt very important for him to show Cortez that he hadn't been broken, and I like the image of him in his uniform! More complexity is coming, I can definitely tell! And perhaps some justice for Deeks.
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