Reviews for Teen Wolf: The Shifter
hawkinswritings chapter 21 . 2/15/2015
Don't be jealous Serena, you know you'll always hold a piece of Lilah's heart. To be fair to Serena, Deacon Wallis is a stupid name... but only because I actually met a Deacon once and he was absolutely horrendous.

I loved the chapter and am definitely going to reread this whole fic soon. It was so good. :)
TheNightGirl chapter 23 . 2/6/2015
Uhhhh, Chuck what are you doing? Don't listen to the hot swimmer boy!
TheNightGirl chapter 22 . 2/6/2015
KARISSA AND CAIDEN STAHP. They're cutieeeesssss, and ouu Uncle Felix is the bad guy who blows chunks of himself up in the sink apparently? :P
TheNightGirl chapter 21 . 2/6/2015
Lilah and Serena are actually so cute! But I feel bad for Alex, and Trent just makes me laugh all the time. :')
TheNightGirl chapter 20 . 2/6/2015
Aw, poor Kelly and Alex and all the feels. Alex feeling like she's being pushed back and Kelly all guilty. Its okay my babies, everything is gonna be okayyy!
TheNightGirl chapter 19 . 2/6/2015
Woah, so many chapters!? We finally catch a glimpse of Karissa, can't wait to meet other characters!
The Jesteress chapter 19 . 1/31/2015
Bro why you discontinue?!
I was hella ready for the identity of the shifter and all. Mate. I guess it's your decision, I won't hate for it, just be a little sad and disappointed.
(Sorry I'm not logged in)
JackoLillie chapter 19 . 1/31/2015
I'm disappointed that your discontinuing the story but I understand and I hope you still post the chapters you've already written. I was really enjoying this story and was looking forward to finding out more about the shifter. Thank you for writing these 19 chapters, they were fun to read!
The Jesteress chapter 17 . 1/18/2015
Pack jobs, now that's a topic that me gusta. I love the whole pack dynamic and can't wait to see it in play, a little normalcy before shit hits the fan. Also poor Chuck! All these people she digs and only one she can have... But whooooo?
The Jesteress chapter 15 . 12/30/2014
Oh my gods I friggin love Robbie. Just for that little monologue at the beginning, and I really want to see this whole Sabine and Milton business come alive. I so far am not a fan of Sabine, as in ehr personality, just because manipulative bitches that are antagonists make me ANGRY. Not as characters, but like if i met them in real life i would just hate them.
Rougeification chapter 15 . 12/25/2014
Robbie is back in the story! Christ I am so excited to see what happens...
Robbie is just so non-chalant about killing isn't he?
I spotted a couple of typos, but apart from that I enjoyed the chapter - you switched from 3ed person to 1st, which I think worked quite well.

Cannot wait until next update!
The Jesteress chapter 13 . 12/8/2014
Holy crap that last line. "...and I know by the end of the night the snow will be bloodier."
Got chills man, not gonna lie.
Things are getting hella intense once again, I just, I want them to have a long nap because they deserve a long nap and peace and justice and a trip to the bowling alley and no h8rz (ironically using text speak). Good chappie that, I have very mixed feelings about Georgia as a character, so I'm hoping to see a teensy bit more of her so I can decide about her once and for all.
Rougeification chapter 12 . 12/1/2014
Nice flow of thought...

Personally, I won't be shipping Reece and Caidan together very soon... there's just something about them - they don't seem to click in my opinion... I dunno... I'm going to withhold my opinion until I see more.

Georgia... Georgia's on the move!

Can't wait until you update again!
The Jesteress chapter 12 . 11/29/2014
Aw snap Georgia's on the move time to buckle up kids. Great chappie, seemed a little shorter than the others though, but still good. I freaking love Caiden though, still my favourite.
TheNightGirl chapter 12 . 11/29/2014
Aw I hope Caiden and "Sargent Stiff" get together, they'd be super cute together! I love Caiden pushing Alex's buttons, his little mischievious streak is funny. I hope Georgia doesn't get to Serena and Ivy, and gets a beat down too!
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