Reviews for Gummy Smiles
Aletta-Feather chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Sweet! Always nice to see Thomas' nicer side.
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
Very cute!

Poor Anna and John, I feel their pain over not knowing how to help their teething baby. And poor Charlotte too, clearly it was a very painful experience for her. The interactions as a family were so sweet, I loved seeing protective daddy John, hating that he didn't know how to help his girl. Nice cameo by the downstairs cast, I especially enjoyed Thomas' role. Good to see him doing something nice for someone else. If only it would happen more often.

John fawning over Charlotte in the servants' hall was the sweetest, and Thomas' response to Mr. Carson's questioning was hilarious.

Really enjoyed this.
theglamourfades chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Keep the Baby Bates stories coming! (if you have the inspiration, of course) Simply adorable. Poor little Charlotte though. I really felt her pain in everything you wrote, and of course for John and especially Anna too having to contend with a teething baby. Anna just wants to be a good mother and have a content baby and John wants to do his best for his girls. My emotions! (but then this is the kind of 'angst' I can handle)

I liked the description of John being a whole other level of tired, and it was nice for the other servants to be involved. Mrs Hughes is as wonderful as ever and Thomas is quite a surprise! I did laugh at his insistence he wasn't doing John a favour, but I think that deep down he is favourable to Anna and he looks out for Sybbie so why not Charlotte too? At the same time I liked Anna's wariness though, but the poor woman is at her wits' end.

The last two scenes were the cutest, especially between the family of three. I just adore how in love Anna and John still are and how they are always so appreciative of the other. And Thomas's response when Anna lets the secret slip is just classic.

Lovely floofy goodness!
Shani21 chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Enjoying this. Love to see them moving on in life, but at the same time experiencing the ups and downs that come with having kids. It's very realistic. Not sure what was in that powder, but I think Brandy was the old wives remedy.
lilbitnittany34 chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
So cute. I love that good Thomas saved the day. We all know he is in there.
Awesomegreentie chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Sorry, I'd like to tell you this is what I expected, but I can't. BECAUSE THIS IS SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN I EXPECTED! So lovely and so true, teething is not the most pleasant part of parenthood. I do love daddy Bates, he makes me want hem, never mind. And having Thomas come to the rescue is both unexpected and perfect. I think he does have a soft spot for babies! Well done, and I can't wait to see what you do with the other prompts in this set.
kouw chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Definitely very relatable and well written and lovely! Mr Bates is right: he gets some hours of respite when he goes to work! Anna on the other hand... They handled it all as well as they could. I shudder to think what was in that powder, best not think on it ;)
Elsie's naughty remark about another baby! That one couldn't have come at a worse time, it made me laugh.
a-lady-to-me chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
I am literally awing all over the place! That was so cute. I just love family fluff, and you did a marvelous job with this prompt.
terriejane chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
So much baby sweetness! You write children so well. :))
Kristen APA chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Yay for more Bates family fluff! It was adorable, I loved it! :D
nanniships chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Awwww. Wonderful.

I used a little brandy on the gums when mine were cutting teeth. Sometimes the old remedies are the best. A little brandy for them, a little brandy for me...

Anyway, great story :)