Reviews for Flashbacks
CuteWhiteBunny chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
I'm really enjoying this so far :D

It's a really interesting and unusual spin on the "human Perry" idea (and I say that as someone who's not a fan of it in general).
It's helping a lot that you're showing the conflict arising from it, and how things have changed since it happened. And also that you're not infodumping the whole catalytic event, but slowly revealing details as the story unfolds.

I did notice quite a few spelling etc issues, however, and errors with dialogue formatting.
Do you have a beta and/or use spellcheck?

But all in all, you have what looks to be (the start of) a great story.
Definitely looking forward to seeing where you go with this!
Maylinn17 chapter 2 . 4/18/2016
I really want to know what happens next! This story is really cool :)

Shauds chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
Will you ever continue this, or is it just a one shot. It's such an interesting concept.