Reviews for A Bloody Sky
Lara0451 chapter 1 . 5/17
Guest chapter 17 . 8/5/2019

I must first apologize that I have not reviewed this amazing story until just now. I had always assumed that I had, but in looking back I never left a review and now I feel I just write a review, “Write a review, and wipe away the debt” as it were. In any event your alternate take on the events of Bioshock infinite is amazing, thrilling, and ultimately wonderful to read. I have loved the slow build up to Elizabeth, how similar yet different this Booker is, and I love how you’ve incorporated the elements of realism into the fantasy setting that allow for a natural experience. Your writing is a work of Art and I sincerely hope that you someday come back to writing this story. Seeing that your last update was 4 years ago, it could place doubt in some minds, but I have hope that you’ll come back and continue this great work. I don’t know if you’ll see this message, but if you do I hope you know that you still have viewers chomping at the bit!

Take care,

TheLifeLongEditor chapter 17 . 8/5/2019

I’m leaving this review as well in the event that the one I just submitted didn’t make it through, so it’ll probably be different yet similar which is fine because I hope it conveys the same truth that I love your story. I love the fact that you’ve added the realistic elements of war, revolution, isolation, and survivors guilt into this world of fantasy and how fluid you write everything into the Infinite setting. Additionally I love how you’ve captured a sense of difference in each of the characters, while maligning them similar to their originals (like an echo, different yet the same). Moreover I do love how you’ve added some original characters, as they really serve to help build up the world, Booker, and the story as a whole which is amazing because most of the time I find OCs can get in the way, but kudos to you for not letting that happen. Ultimately I must apologize for not reviewing years ago like I had previously believed I had done, I do hope I haven’t contributed to this story going on hiatus! On that note I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I want you to know there are people like me still looking forward to the next chapter! I hope you come back to continue! Keep up the great work!


MarinaLuen chapter 17 . 6/12/2019
when a new chapter?
Guest chapter 17 . 7/14/2017
I hope you update soon!
The Beginning of Talent chapter 17 . 4/25/2015
Loving the story so far! I just hope that you continue!
michiganere1 chapter 3 . 4/5/2015
Booker's height is 6'1, so I doubt that he counts as "small".
577249 chapter 17 . 3/25/2015
The story is moving at a good speed instead of rushing through events. Great job
False Shepherd chapter 17 . 3/6/2015
I love it! Go on soon please. Xx
Del21 chapter 17 . 2/28/2015
Yes total mood killer but seriously that couldn't have been closer to the truth. There weren't a lot of places to hide from view of the windows there. (At least not from what I remember when I played the game.) Not to mention that people to have a somewhat sixth sense when it comes to being watched. Though to be honest, with how she was locked in that tower for x amount of years and still remained 'semi-normal' with no human contact is beyond me. She should have been insane by all accounts. Still, until next time keep up the good work!
badkidoh chapter 17 . 2/24/2015
Well I love this story so far.

Also about the statue tower back in chapter 14 ,nice adding military outside and stuff, Although if I remember right the reason the tower was empty when Booker got there was because it was safe inside statue tower for the military and scientists until around the time Elizabeth was 13-14 then her power spiked and they made and turn on the Siphon but that only made the inside of the statue tower safe for about a year before it was so dangerous and at times deadly to be inside bottom half of the statue tower that housed the the Siphon that apparently at one point the only one that still went in the statue tower after it became unsafe was Ty Bradley that still went in there to do cleaning and maintaining parts of the tower until it seems he die in there so i have no idea who was cleaning and maintaining the inside of the tower after he die.

Also now that i think about I wounder how they got food and drink to Elizabeth in the tower without her finding out how it got there?
Guest chapter 17 . 2/15/2015
wow can't wait for next ch. like realism in your story and really want to know what happen next
Alden Kessler chapter 17 . 2/2/2015
Not very many people have the skill or proper imagination to write sex scenes but you do a great job :D
Jonah chapter 14 . 1/2/2015
Wonderful new chapters! Booker seems more sensitive in this fic than he does in a lot of fics. It's different, but it's nice. He's fucking crazy with a crystal glass in his hand, but sweet when he wants to be. You know? Weird mixture. It works.

This fic also makes me want an Old Fashioned and a cigarette. Constant cravings while reading. Thanks a lot, haha.
anon chapter 14 . 12/24/2014
this is a fantastic story! keep it up!
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